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Hai Fang

10 representative papers

Personal profile

2012 - present  Professor, Doctoral Advisor, China Center for Health Development Studies, Peking University

2019 - present Vice Director, Peking University Health Science Center – China CDC Joint Research Center for Vaccine Economics

2009 - 2013    Assistant Professor/Associate Professor, Director of Master of Science Program, Department of Health Systems, Management, and Policy, Colorado School of Public Health, University of Colorado Denver, USA

2007 - 2009   Research Assistant Professor, Health Economics Research Group

University of Miami, Florida, USA

2007 - 2009  Research Associate (Affiliated), John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA

2006 -2007   Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of California Davis, USA

Hai Fang, PhD in Economics, Professor and Doctoral Advisor in China Center for Health Development Studies, Peking University. Vice Director of Peking University Health Science Center and China CDC Joint Research Center for Vaccine Economics; Director of Vaccine Economic Committee in China Association for Vaccine; Vice Director and Secretary General of Public Health Economic Committee in China Health Economic Association. Before joining Peking University, Professor Fang taught at the University of California Davis, the University of Miami in Florida, and the University of Colorado Denver in the United States as faculty (Lecturer, Assistant Professor, and Associate Professor). Professor Fang has been the principal investigator (PI) for research projects funded by National Social Science Fund of China (Chief Expert for Major Project), National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing Natural Science Foundation, China CDC, National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, Chinese Medical Doctor Association, UNICEF, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, China Medical Board (CMB) in the United States, and Medical Research Council (MRC) in the United Kingdom. Professor Fang is the principle editor for China Guidelines for Vaccine Economic Evaluation 2022 and has published more than 150 Chinse and English research articles, including BMJ, Lancet Public Health as the first or corresponding author.

Main research directions

Health Economics, Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases and Vaccines, Global Health

Representative scientific research projects

  1. Public health management system study, National Social Science Fund of China (Major Project), 2021 – 2024, Principal Investigator (Chief Expert)

  2. Real-world effectiveness, safety, and health economic evaluation of varicella vaccine, Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Key Project), 2022 – 2024, Principal Investigator

  3. The function and mechanism of primary care on chronic disease management: a health system perspective, Beijing Natural Science Foundation, 2022 – 2024, Principal Investigator

  4. The 1st National Natural Science Foundation of China and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global Health Joint Symposium, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation/National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2019 – 2020, Principal Investigator

  5. An Economic Evaluation of Haemophius Influenzae Type b (Hib) Vaccine for the introduction of China’s National Immunization Program (NIP), Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2019 – 2020, Principal Investigator

  6. Family physician contract services and impacts in China based on physician agency theory, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2018 – 2021, Principal Investigator

  7. A subsidy program of gestational diabetes mellitus screening and lifestyle treatment in rural China, China Medical Board (CMB) in the United States, 2018 – 2019, Principal Investigator

  8. The effects of China’s medical security system on health inequality in the context of medical reform, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2014 – 2017, Principal Investigator

10 representative papers

  1. Fang H#, Eggleston K, Hanson K, Wu M. Enhancing financial protection under China’s social health insurance to achieve universal health coverage. BMJ 2019;365:l2378.

  2. Zhang H*, Lai X*, Patenaude BN, Jit M, Fang H#, Adding new childhood vaccines to China’s National Immunization Program: evidence, benefits, and priorities. Lancet Public Health 2023;8(12):e1016-e1024.

  3. Lai X*, Zhang H*, Pouwels KB, Patenaude B, Jit M, Fang H#. Estimating global and regional between-country inequality in routine childhood vaccine coverage in 195 countries and territories from 2019 to 2021: a longitudinal study. EClinicalMedicine 2023;60:102042.

  4. Lai X*, Yuan Y, Wang H, Zhang R, Qiao Q, Feng X, Jin A, Li H, Li J, Si L, Gao P, Jan S, Fang H#, Wu Y#; DECIDE-Salt Research Group. Cost-Effectiveness of Salt Substitute and Salt Supply Restriction in Eldercare Facilities: The DECIDE-Salt Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open. 2024 Feb 5;7(2):e2355564.

  5. Zhang H*, Patenaude B, Zhang H, Jit M, Fang H#. Global vaccine coverage and childhood survival estimates 1990-2019. Bulletin of World Health Organization 2024; 102(4):276-287.

  6. Feng H*, Zhang H, Ma C, Zhang H, Yin D#, Fang H#. National and provincial burden of varicella disease and cost-effectiveness of childhood varicella vaccination in China from 2019 to 2049: a modelling analysis. Lancet Regional Health Western Pacific. 2023 March;32:100639.

  7. Lai X*, Garcia C, Wu D, Knoll M, Zhang H, Xu T, Jing R, Ying Z#, Wahl B#, Fang H#. Estimating national, regional and provincial cost-effectiveness of introducing childhood 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccination in China: a modelling analysis. Lancet Regional Health Western Pacific. 2023 March;32:100666.

  8. Zhang H*, Lai X, Mak J, Sriudomporn S, Zhang H, Fang H#, Patenaude B. Coverage and Equity of Childhood Vaccines in China. JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(12):e2246005.

  9. Zhang H*, Garcia C, Yu W, Knoll M, Lai X, Xu Ting, Jing R, Qin Y, Yin Z#, Wahl B#, Fang H#. National and provincial impact and cost3 effectiveness of Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine in China: a modeling analysis. BMC Medicine. 2021 Aug 11;19(1):181.

  10. Rong H*, Lai X, Jing R, Wang X, Fang H#, Mahmoudi E. Association of sensory impairments with cognitive decline and depression among older adults in China. JAMA Network Open. 2020;3(9):e2014186.