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Jufen Liu

Representative scientific research projects

Education Background

02/2020- present Peking University, School of Public Health, Institute of Reproductive and Child Health,Assistant professor (Tenure Track)
11/2023-11/2024 University College London (UCL), UK, Honorary Research Fellow
08/2015-08/2016 University of Southern California (USC), USA, Visiting Scholar
03/2013-09/2013 Toyama University, Japan, Visiting researcher
08/2009-01/2020 Peking University, School of Public Health, Institute of Reproductive and Child Health,Assistant researcher
09/2007-10/2008 University of Southern California (USC),USA, Joint Doctoral Program
06/2007-08/2007 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria, Young Scientist Summer Program
09/2003-07/2009 Peking University, Institute of Population Research, Ph.D.
09/1998-07/2003 Shanxi Medical University, School of Public Health, Bachelor

Overall introduction

Dr. Jufen Liu lead her research team aims to develop scientific knowledge that uses life course and social epidemiology, multiple longitudinal cohorts, interdisciplinary, integrated and systems approaches to address future health challenges and the impact of environmental factors, including social environment, nutrition on health and development across the life course. Dr. Liu has a broad interest in birth defects and disability, focusing on neurodevelopmental disorders, degenerative diseases, chronic diseases and multi-morbidities at all ages. She led the research to investigate the early life determinants and trajectories of chronic diseases, study clusters of conditions and the interactions between their trajectories throughout the life course, through which to develop population level interventions to prevent chronic diseases and multimorbidity, as well as to support translation of discovery into policy and practice both within in China and in the global community. Dr. Liu has led on original research articles and her publications are featured in journals such as International Journal of Epidemiology, eClinicalMedicine, Social Science and Medicine, Globalization and Health, General Psychiatry, Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine, and so forth. Their findings have provided policy consultation reports to national ministries such as the health and environmental protection departments. Her research has been recognized with awards from Huaxia Medical Science and Technology Assiociation, Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, Beijing Preventive Medicine Association and Ministry of Education. Dr. Liu developed and lead the course for graduate and undergraduate students (Frontiers of Population Health Science, Epidemiology of Disabilities, Social Epidemiology and Its Applications). Dr. Liu is an associate editor of textbooks "Epidemiology of Disabilities" and key editorial board member of "Prevention and Control of Disabilities: Basic Knowledge and Methods".Additionally, Dr Liu served as various contribution to scientific communities, she is a standing committee member of the China Maternal and Child Health Association's Professional Committee on Perinatology and Metabolism; a member of the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association's Professional Committee on Birth Defects Prevention and Control, and the Committee on Family-School-Community Education of the Chinese Family Education Society. She is also served in the editorial boards of several academic journals, including Reproductive Health (Deputy Editor), BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (Editorial Board Member), China CDC Weekly (Guest Editor), Frontiers in Nutrition (Guest Editor), Nutrients (Guest Editor), and China Journal of Reproductive Health (Editor).

Main research directions

Neurosciences: Development, Disorders and Degeneration of Nervous System
Lifelong Health: Reproductive, Maternal Health and Early Origins of Health, Ageing

Representative scientific research projects

1 Key Project of Regional Innovative Development Joint Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China, U23A20420, Research on Important Susceptibility Factors, Pathogenic Mechanisms, and Early Intervention Strategies of Folate Non-Responsive Neural Tube Defects, 01/2024-12/2028, 416,000 RMB, Subproject Leader/Core member, Ongoing
2 National Key Research and Development Program of Ministry of Science and Technology, 2022YFC2705205, Establishment of Early Diagnosis, Intervention, and Early Warning System for Common Developmental Behavioral Disorders in Children, 01/2022-12/2025, 600,000 RMB, Core member, Ongoing
3 Major Project of National Social Science Foundation, 21&ZD187, Study on Disability Prevention Strategies and Applications under the Background of Population Aging, 01/2022-12/2025, 600,000 RMB, Core member, Ongoing
4 National Key Research and Development Program of Ministry of Science and Technology, 2021YFC2701101, Systematic Identification of Pathogenic Mutations in Major Birth Defects, 01/2021-12/2024, 1,000,000 RMB, Core member, Ongoing
5 Family Education Research Project of China Family Education Association (2021-2025), Study on the Relationship between Preschool Children's Screen Exposure, Family Rearing Environment, and Child Behavioral Development, 2023.4-2024.12, 50,000 RMB, Principal Investigator, Ongoing
6 Epidemiology and Health Statistics Core Competency Training Effectiveness Evaluation Project of China CDC, 11/2022-12/2024, 80,000 RMB, Principal Investigator, Ongoing
7 Research Project on High-quality Population Development in 2024 by National Health Commission, Study on Promoting Reproductive Health across the Life Course and Policy Response, 04/2024-12/2024, Core member, Ongoing
8 China Nutrition Society Nutrition Research Fund, CNS-ZD2020-115, Study on the Influence of Multiple Vitamin Supplementation on Gestational Diabetes and Its Immunological Mechanisms, 01/2021-12/2022, 190,000 RMB, Principal Investigator, Completed
9 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 81202265, Study on the Correlation between COMT and MTHFR Gene Polymorphisms and Plasma Protein Expression and Neural Tube Defects, 01/2013-12/2015, 230,000 RMB, Principal Investigator, Completed
10 China Nutrition Society Nutrition Research Fund, CNS-ZD2020-115, Study on the Influence of Multiple Vitamin Supplementation on Gestational Diabetes and Its Immunological Mechanisms, 01/2021-12/2022, 190,000 RMB, Principal Investigator, Completed

10 representative papers

  1. Liu J, Li Z, Ye R, Ren A, Liu J. Folic acid supplementation and risk for congenital limb reduction defects in China. Int J Epidemiol. 2019, Dec 1;48(6):2010-2017. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyz130.

  2. Liu J, Li Z, Ye R, Liu J, Ren A. Periconceptional folic acid supplementation and risk for parent-reported asthma in children at 4–6 years of age. ERJ Open Res. 2020 Apr 6;6(1):00250-2019. doi: /10.1183/23120541.00250-2019.

  3. Liu J, Li Z, Ye R, Ren A, Liu J. Folic acid supplementation and risk for congenital hydrocephalus in China. Public Health Nutr. 2021 Sep;24(13):4238-4244. doi: 10.1017/S136898002100029X. Epub 2021 Jan 26.

  4. Chen X, Du Y, Xia S, Li Z, Liu J*. Vitamin B12 and gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Nutr. 2023, 28 April;129(8): 1324-1331. doi: 10.1017/S000711452200246X.

  5. Wang D, Song Z, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Jin L, Ren A, Li Z, Liu J*. Prevalence and Trends of Birth Defects - Five Counties, Shanxi Province, China, 2003-2022. China CDC Wkly. 2023 Sep 8;5(36):797-802. doi: 10.46234/ccdcw2023.153.

  6. Ren Z, Xu Y, Sun J, Han Y, An L, Liu J*. Chronic diseases and multimorbidity patterns, their recent onset, and risk of new-onset Parkinson’s disease and related functional degeneration in older adults: a prospective cohort study. eClinicalMedicine2023 Oct 6;65:102265.doi:10.1016/j.eclinm.2023.10226

  7. Du Y, Luo Y, Zheng X, Liu J*. Number of children and cognitive function among Chinese menopausal women: The mediating role of depressive symptoms and social participation. J Affect Disord. 2023 Nov 1;340:758-765. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2023.08.084.

  8. Ren Z, Xia S, Sun J, Wang D, Du Y, Li N, Liu J*. Internet use, cardiometabolic multimorbidity, and death in older adults: a multi-cohort study spanning developing and developed countries. Global Health. 2023 Nov 6;19(1):81. doi: 10.1186/s12992-023-00984-z.

  9. Ren Z, Du Y, Lian X, Luo Y, Zheng X, Liu J*. Bidirectional longitudinal associations between depressive symptoms and somatic conditions after adverse childhood experiences in middle-aged and older Chinese: a causal mediation analysis. Soc Sci Med.2023 Dec 1;338: 116346. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.116346

  10. Ren Z, Nie L, Du Y, Liu J*. Intertwined depressive and cognitive trajectories and the risk of dementia and death in older adults: a competing risk analysis. Gen Psychiatr. 2024; Apr 9;37(2):e101156. doi:10.1136/gpsych-2023-101156