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Wenli Zhu

Overall introduction

Overall introduction

In the teaching aspect, I took charge of formulating 17 management documents pertaining to the teaching process, oversaw the teaching and management of three undergraduate and postgraduate courses, and served as the editor-in-chief for the textbook "Nutrition and Food Hygiene Course" for undergraduate preventive medicine compulsory courses. Additionally, I have embarked on teaching reform projects, including the development of curriculum systems for postgraduate students.

In terms of scientific research, my focus lies in the realm of maternal and child nutrition. Leveraging cohort studies, I have delved into the influence of dietary nutrition and feeding practices on child development throughout various stages of early childhood, to validate precise intervention strategies and techniques that optimize early childhood development potential and maternal health through the integrated approach of "dietary nutrition + genotype → gene expression → phenotype". Furthermore, I am attentive to the effects of individual nutritional literacy and food environment on children's dietary behaviors, seeking to devise comprehensive intervention strategies that integrate school-based nutritional education with nutrition services.

Early in my research career, I embarked on a journey to investigate the etiology of birth defects. Through rigorous whole genome linkage and association analysis, I have identified susceptible chromosome segments and gene loci associated with cleft lip and palate, as well as congenital heart disease. My research endeavors have been recognized with five provincial-level science and technology awards, including the Prestigious Excellent Achievement Award for Scientific Research in Colleges and Universities awarded by the Ministry of Education. Additionally, I have contributed to the formulation and revision of critical policies such as the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" and the "Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Childhood Obesity".

Main research directions

Early-life Nutrition, and Child Nutrition

Representative scientific research projects

  1. Study on the Mechanism and Early Warning Model of Environmental Health Risks for Vulnerable Populations, National Key Research and Development Program (Environmental Health Risk Assessment and Prevention for the Elderly and Children in Community-Based Homes and Development of Appropriate Products), 2023YFC3604702, Dec 2023 – Nov 2026, RMB 300,000, Sub-project Leader/Key Member, Ongoing.

  2. Platform Construction and Study on Cohort of Maternal and Child Nutrition and Health, Hunan Ausnutri Food and Nutrition Research Institute, AU-YJY-B-LX-20-003, Feb 2020 – Jun 2029, RMB 2,540,000, Principal Investigator, Ongoing.

  3. Examination of Dietary Behaviors in Children and Adolescents and Strategies for Their Enhancement, Key Research Project of the Beijing Education Society's "14th Five-Year Plan" for Education, SDZG2021ZD-001, Jan 2021 – Dec 2025, Principal Investigator, Ongoing.

  4. Development and Evaluation of Food Safety Literacy Assessment Instrument, National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment, Nov 2023 – Jun 2024, RMB 95,000, Principal Investigator, Ongoing.

  5. Impact of Smart Canteen System on Students' Food Choices, Joyvo Group Co., Ltd., May 2022 – Dec 2024, RMB 200,000, Principal Investigator, Ongoing.

  6. Development and Evaluation of Nutritional Literacy Measurement Tools, United Nations Children's Fund, Jan 2018 – Dec 2019, RMB 200,000, Principal Investigator, Completed.

  7. Construction and Evaluation of a School-Based Nutritional Education Curriculum System for School-aged Children, "Dietary Nutrition Research and Education Fund" of the Danone Nutrition Center for China CDC, DIC2017-07, May 2017 – Dec 2019, RMB 180,000, Principal Investigator, Completed.

  8. Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, NCET-07-0034, Jan 2008 – Dec 2010, RMB 500,000, Principal Investigator, Completed.

  9. Research on the Localization of Susceptibility Genes for Non-Syndromic Cleft Lip and Palate, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 30600676, Jan 2007 – Dec 2009, RMB 220,000, Principal Investigator, Completed.

10 representative papers

  1. Zhang R, Wu XY, Lu L, Hu R, Teng Y, Pan LN, Zeng XL, Jiang W, Li W, Dong L, Zhu WL*. Assessment of blood one-carbon metabolism indexes during mid-to-late pregnancy in 397 Chinese pregnant women. Front Nutr. 2024, 11:1348930.

  2. Halimulati M, Wang RY, Aihemaitijiang S, Huang XJ, Ye C, Zhang ZF, Li LT, Zhu WL*, Zhang ZF*, He LX. Anti-hyperuricemic effect of anserine based on the gut–kidney axis: integrated analysis of metagenomics and metabolomics. Nutrients. 2023, 15(4):969.

  3. Zhang R, Yu XH, Yu YJ, Guo DD, He HR, Zhao Y*, Zhu WL*. Family Food Environments and Their Association with Primary and Secondary Students’ Food Consumption in Beijing, China: A Cross-Sectional Study[J]. Nutrients. 2022, 14(9):1970.

  4. Liu T, Su X, Li NN, Sun J, Ma GS, Zhu WL*. Development and validation of a food and nutrition literacy questionnaire for Chinese school-age children[J]. PLoS One. 2021, 16(1):e0244197.

  5. Li NN, Su X, Liu T, Sun J, Zhu YM, Dai ZY, Zhang YC, Pan LN, Jiang W, Zhu WL*. Dietary patterns of Chinese puerperal women and their association with postpartum weight retention: Results from the mother-infant cohort study[J]. Matern Child Nutr. 2021, 17(1):e13061.

  6. Sun J, Zhu YM, Li YJ, Li NN, Liu T, Su X, Dai ZY, Zhang YC, Pan LN, Jiang W, Zhu WL*. Maternal Postpartum Feeding Anxiety was associated with Infant Feeding Practices: Results from the Mother-Infant Cohort Study of China[J]. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2020, 20(1):780.

  7. Su X, Zhu WL*, Li NN, Sun J, Zhu YM, Liu T, Xia HY, Dai ZY, Zhang YC, Pan LN, Jiang W. Adjusting DBI-2016 to dietary balance index for Chinese maternal women and assessing the association between maternal dietary quality and postpartum weight retention: A longitudinal study[J]. PLoS One. 2020,15(8): e0237225.

  8. Zhou Q#, Wu HF#, Wei Y, Zhu WL*. Effect of Smo SiRNA-mediated Hedgehog Signaling Pathway Inhibition on Palatal Fusion[J]. Biomed Environ Sci, 2016; 29(8): 594-598.

  9. Zhou Q, Li MJ, Zhu WL*, Guo JZ, Li Y. Association between interferon regulatory factor 6 gene polymorphisms and nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate in a Chinese population. The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 2013,50(5):570-576.

  10. Wang Y, Li X, Zhu WL*, Guo JZ, Song ZM, Li SQ, Li Y. Genome-wide and interaction linkage scan for non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate in two multiplex families in Shenyang, China. Biomedical and environmental sciences, 2010, 23: 363-370.