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Yubo Zhou

Main research directions

Overall introduction

Zhou Yubo is an assistant professor/associate researcher, doctoral supervisor, responsible editor of the Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health, member of the Youth Committee of the Fertility Protection Branch of the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, member of the Full Life Cycle Health Management Committee of the Chinese Maternal and Child Health Association, and deputy director of the Peking University Medicine-Fuyang Maternal and Child Clinical Transformation Research Joint Laboratory and the Peking University Medicine-Thyseed Maternal and Child Product Development Joint Laboratory. She is also teaching many undergraduate and graduate courses in epidemiology and nutrition, including Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials, Epidemiology Internships, and Dietary Nutrition, Physical and Mental Health - Practical Teaching. Her research mainly focuses on big data on reproductive health, pregnancy nutrition and perinatal factors with the short/long-term health of offspring. She has led many scientific research projects, including National Natural Science Foundation projects, National Health Commission projects, and international cooperation projects. As the first author or corresponding author, she has already published over 40 articles at international and Chinese journals, such as JAMA Netw Open, Am J Public Health, and Eur J Nutr.

Main research directions

Big data study of reproductive health
Pregnancy nutrition, perinatal factor, and maternal and child health

Representative scientific research projects

(1) Thyseed, Peking University Medicine-Thyseed Maternal and Child Product Development Joint Laboratory, 2024-2026, in progress. Role: Co-PI
(2) Fuyang Women and Children's Hospital, Peking University Medicine-Fuyang Maternal and Child Clinical Transformation Research Joint Laboratory, 2024-2028, in progress. Role: Co-PI
(3) National Health Commission, Analysis and Research on Inpatient Delivery Data and Birth Population Changes, 2023-2024, in progress. Role: PI
(4) National Health Commission, Dynamic Analysis and Research on Maternal and Child Safety, 2023-2024, in progress. Role: PI
(5) Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, Investigation and Evaluation of Female Fertility with the Three Child Policy, 2023-2024, in progress. Role: PI
(6) Peking University Clinical+X, Impact and Mechanism of Folic Acid Supplementation Mode of Women with Advanced Maternal Age on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, 2023, in progress. Role: Co-PI
(7) Peking University Health Science Center, Human resources program, 2021-2024, in progress. Role: PI
(8) International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Nigeria National Nutrition Survey Project, 2021-2023, completed. Role: Co-PI
(9) Nestlé, Post-Market Effectiveness Study of a Partially Hydrolyzed Formula with Low Lactose, Horizontal cooperation project, 2019-2023, completed. Role: Co-PI
(10) National Natural Science Foundation of China--Youth Science Fund, Effect of pre-pregnancy obesity and excessive gestational weight gain on childhood anemia in women with advanced maternal age, 2019-2021, completed. Role: PI

10 representative papers

(1) Yin S#, Zhou Y#, Zhao C#, Yang J, Yuan P, Zhao Y, Qi H*, Wei Y*. Association of Paternal Age Alone and Combined with Maternal Age with Perinatal Outcomes: A Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study in China. J Epidemiol Glob Health. 2024. Doi: 10.1007/s44197-023-00175-4.
(2) Zhou Y#, Yin S#, Sheng Q#, Yang J, Liu J, Li H, Yuan P, Zhao Y*. Association of maternal age with adverse pregnancy outcomes: A prospective multicenter cohort study in China. J Glob Health. 2023;13:04161.
(3) Yin S#, Zhou Y#, Yuan P#, Wei Y, Chen L, Guo X, Li H, Lu J, Ge L, Shi H, Wang X, Li L, Qiao J, Chen D, Liu J*, Zhao Y*. Hospital variations in caesarean delivery rates: An analysis of national data in China, 2016-2020. J Glob Health. 2023;13:04029.
(4) Yin S#, Chen L#, Zhou Y#, Yuan P, Guo X, Lu J, Ge L, Shi H, Wang X, Li L, Qiao J, Zhao Y, Qi H, Ma X, Wei Y. Evaluation of Cesarean Rates for Term, Singleton, Live Vertex Deliveries in China in 2020 Among Women with No Prior Cesarean Delivery. JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(3):e234521.
(5) Meng Y#, Zhou Y#, Li H, Chen Y, Dominik G, Dong J, Tang Y, Saavedra JM, Liu J*. Effectiveness of Growing-Up Milk Containing Only A2 β-Casein on Digestive Comfort in Toddlers: A Randomized Controlled Trial in China. Nutrients. 2023;15(6):1313.
(6) Yubo Zhou, Keyi Si, Hongtian Li, Xiucui Li, Sherry A Tanumihardjo , Jianmeng Liu*. Geographic and socio-demographic determinants of plasma retinol concentrations in Chinese pregnant and lactating women. Eur J Nutr. 2022 Apr;61(3):1561-1570.
(7) Yubo Zhou, Lailai Yan, Hongtian Li, Xiucui Li, Yaqiong Liu, Jianmeng Liu*. Patterns and Determinants of Essential and Toxic Elements in Chinese Women at Mid-Pregnancy, Late Pregnancy, and Lactation. Nutrients. 2021;13(2):668.
(8) Yu-Bo Zhou, Jian-Meng Liu*. Optimal gestational weight gain. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2021;13:100207.
(9) Liao ZJ, Zhou YB*, Li HT, Wang C, Chen DJ, Liu JM*. The Rates and Medical Necessity of Cesarean Delivery in the Era of the Two-Child Policy in Hubei and Gansu Provinces, China. Am J Public Health. 2019;109(3):476-482. Q1; IF2017= 4.380
(10) Zhou YB, Li HT, Ye RW, Li ZW, Zhang YL, Zhang L, Ren AG, Liu JM*. Geatational weight gain, cesarean delivery, and cesarean delivary on maternal request: a cohot analysis of Chinese nulliparous women. Ann Epidemiol. 2017; 27(2):96-102.

Note#Contributed equally, *Corresponding author