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  • 邮箱:songyi@bjmu.edu.cn
  • 地址:北京市海淀区学院路38号







  1. 国家自然科学基金面上基金:ALAN暴露与青春期发育提前及其kisspeptin干扰作用机制研究,2023-2026

  2. 美国中华医学会:基于综合实施研究框架遏制中国儿童近视流行的预防策略研究,2022-2024

  3. 首都卫生发展科研专项重点攻关项目:基于 RE-AIM 框架的北京市儿童青少年近视与肥胖“共病-共因-共防”综合示范区建设及推广研究,2022-2024

  4. 北京市自然科学基金面上基金:儿童夜晚表型介导ALAN暴露对不同代谢型肥胖作用的巢式病例对照研究,2022-2024

  5. 北京市教育科学规划项目重点课题:实施性研究综合框架下北京市中小学生体质健康促进和障碍因素研究,2022-2025

  6. 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目:“健康中国2030”视域下学生体力活动指南开发——基于大数据分析和定性研究,2019-2021

  7. 联合国儿童基金会:中国青少年健康优先领域、战略、干预措施和指标评估研究,2019-2020

  8. 国家体育总局:学生健身指导新技术包的整合与实证研究,2017-2018

  9. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:社会环境变迁下中国18个少数民族学生30年生长长期趋势模式的比较研究,2014-2016

  10. 教育部新博士点基金:中国青少年健康危险行为趋势变化分析及其预警模型研究,2011-2013


  1. Chen TJ, Dong B, Dong Y, Li J, Ma Y, Liu D, Zhang Y, Xing Y, Zheng Y, Luo X, Tao F, Ding Y, Hu P, Zou Z, Pan B, Tang P, Luo D, Liu Y, Li L, Li GN, Tian X, Huang X, Song Y*, Ma J*, Sawyer SM. Matching actions to needs: shifting policy responses to the changing health needs of Chinese children and adolescents. Lancet. 2024;403(10438):1808-1820.

  2. Liu YF, Wang YX, Xing YF, Wolters M, Shi D, Zhang PP, Dang JJ, Chen ZY, Cai S, Wang YQ, Liu a JY, Wang XX, Zhou HY, Xu M, Guo LP, Li YY, Song JY, Li J, Dong YH, Cui YC, Hu PJ, Hebestreit Antje, Wang HJ,Li L, Ma J, Yeo YH, Wang H*, Song Y*. Establish a noninvasive model to screen metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease in children aged 6–14 years in China and its applications in high-obesity-risk countries and regions. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2024: 101150.

  3. Luo D, Ma N, Liu Y, Yan X, Ma J*, Song Y*, Patton GC, Sawyer SM. Long-term trends and urban-rural disparities in the physical growth of children and adolescents in China: an analysis of five national school surveys over three decades. Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2023,7(11):762-772.

  4. Ma N, Chen S, Kong Y, Chen Z, Geldsetzer P, Zeng H, Wu L, Wehrmeister FC, Lu C, Subramanian SV, Song Y*, Li Z*. Prevalence and changes of intimate partner violence against women aged 15 to 49 years in 53 low-income and middle-income countries from 2000 to 2021: a secondary analysis of population-based surveys. Lancet Glob Health. 2023;11(12):e1863-e1873.

  5. Yan X, Hu P*, Ma N, Luo D, Zhang J, Wang J, Dong Y, Xing Y, Song Y*, Ma J, Patton GC, Sawyer SM. Coverage of school health monitoring systems in China: a large national cross-sectional survey. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2022,19:100332.

  6. Dong Y, Gao D, Li Y, Yang Z, Wang X, Chen M, Wang Z, Song Y*, Zou Z*, Ma J. Effect of childhood phthalates exposure on the risk of overweight and obesity: A nested case-control study in China. Environ Int. 2022,158:106886.

  7. Luo D, Yan X, Xu R, Zhang J, Shi X, Ma J*, Song Y*, Patton GC, Sawyer SM. Chinese trends in adolescent marriage and fertility between 1990 and 2015: a systematic synthesis of national and subnational population data. Lancet Glob Health. 2020,8(7):e954-e964.

  8. Dong Y, Lau PWC, Dong B, Zou Z, Yang Y, Wen B, Ma Y, Hu P, Song Y*, Ma J*, Sawyer SM, Patton GC. Trends in physical fitness, growth, and nutritional status of Chinese children and adolescents: a retrospective analysis of 1.5 million students from six successive national surveys between 1985 and 2014. Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2019,3(12):871-880.

  9. Jan C, Xu R, Luo D, Xiong X, Song Y*, Ma J*, Stafford RS. Association of Visual Impairment With Economic Development Among Chinese Schoolchildren. JAMA Pediatr. 2019, 173(7):e190914.

  10. Dong Y, Jan C, Ma Y, Dong B, Zou Z, Yang Y, Xu R, Song Y*, Ma J*, Sawyer SM, Patton GC. Economic development and the nutritional status of Chinese school-aged children and adolescents from 1995 to 2014: an analysis of five successive national surveys. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2019,7(4): 288-299.