07/2024~至今 北京大学,公共卫生学院,生育健康研究所,博士后
01/2024~04/2024 Aarhus University,国际交流
09/2018~07/2024 中国科学院大学,中丹学院,博士
09/2015~07/2018 同济大学,环境科学与工程学院,硕士
09/2010~07/2014 河南师范大学,环境学院,学士
主要开展以构效关系为核心的相关研究,基于有害结局通路框架,采用机器学习方法预测化学品在不同生物学水平上的毒性效应。通过数据挖掘,将深度学习与非靶标分析相结合解决环境与健康领域相关热点问题。相关研究以第一作者发表在J Hazard Mater、Sci Total Environ等权威期刊上。近期研究工作主要是将化学信息学和生物信息学相结合,构建多模态模型,揭示环境污染物暴露对环境及人类健康的影响,预测化合物作用靶点并阐明其潜在的分子作用机制。
Zhao L, Xue Q*, Zhang HZ, Hao YX, Yi H, Liu X, Pan WX, Fu JJ, Zhang AQ*. CatNet: Sequence-based deep learning with cross-attention mechanism for identifying endocrine-disrupting chemicals. J Hazard Mater. 2024, 465: 133055.
Zhao L, Wang R*, Zhang C, Yin DQ, Yang SY, Huang XT, Geochemical controls on the distribution of mercury and methylmercury in sediments of the coastal East China Sea. Sci Total Environ. 2019, 667: 133-141.
Wang LG, Zhao L, Liu X*, Fu JJ, Zhang AQ*, SepPCNET: Deeping learning on a 3D surface electrostatic potential point cloud for enhanced toxicity classification and its application to suspected environmental estrogens. Environ Sci Technol. 2021, 55(14): 9958–9967.
Zhang HZ, Yi H, Hao YX, Zhao L, Pan WX, Xue Q, Liu X*, Fu JJ, Zhang AQ*. Deciphering exogenous chemical carcinogenicity through interpretable deep learning: A novel approach for evaluating atmospheric pollutant hazards. J Hazard Mater. 2024, 465: 133092.
Wang R, Zhang C, Huang XT, Zhao L, Yang SY, Struck U, Yin DQ*, Distribution and source of heavy metals in the sediments of the coastal East China Sea: Geochemical controls and typhoon impact. Environ Pollut. 2020, 260: 113936.