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Year 2024

  1. Zhang G, Lin W, Gao N, Lan C, Ren M, Yan L, Pan B, Xu J, Han B, Hu L, Chen Y, Wu Y, Zhuang L*, Qun Lu*, Bin Wang*, Fang M. Using Machine Learning to Construct the Blood−Follicle Distribution Models of Various Trace Elements and Explore the Transport-Related Pathways with Multiomics Data. Environmental Science & Technology. 2024,

  2. Ren M, Wu T, Yang S, Gao N, Lan C, Zhang H, Lin W, Su S, Yan L, Zhuang L, Lu Q, Xu J, Han B, Bai Z, Meng F, Chen Y, Pan B, Wang B*, Lu X, Fang M. Ascertaining sensitive exposure biomarkers of various metal(loid)s to embryo implantation. Environ Pollut. 2024, 347, 123679.

  3. Ren M, Fang M, Liu J, Lu Q, Bao H, Zhuang L, Meng F, Pan B, Yan L, Li Z, Xu J, Han B, Bai Z, Tian C, Wang Y, Wang B*. Applying Hair Exposome for Linking Environmental Exposure to Reproductive Health: A Comprehensive Review and Research Perspective, Hygiene and Environmental Health Advances, 2024, 9, 100086.

  4. Chen, Y., Guo, Y., Wang, C., Liu, J., Jin, L., Li, Z., Ren, A., Wang LL*. Chromium levels in placental tissue and neural tube defects Association and mechanistic study. Environ Pollut. 2024:124126.

  5. Li, S., Wang, C., Yang, C., Chen, Y., Cheng, Q., Liu, J., Zhang, Y., Jin, L., Li, Z., Ren, A., & Wang LL*. 2024. Prenatal Exposure to Poly/Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Risk for Congenital Heart Disease in Offspring. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 469: 134008.

  6. Lin, M., Yan, L., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Zhou, Y., Wang, LL*, Tian, C*. 2024. Association between concentrations of rare earth elements in chorionic villus and risk for unexplained spontaneous abortion. Environ Res. 2024 May 15:119165.

  7. Cheng, Q., Chen, Y., Liu, J., Jin, L., Li, Z., Ren, A., & Wang LL*. 2024. Inadvertent antibiotic exposure during pregnancy may increase the risk for neural tube defects in offspring. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 275: 116271.

  8. 杨胜慧, 杨晨, 袁珍, 王琳琳*. 我国中老年人儿童期患残疾情况及对其远期健康的影响分析. 现代预防医学. 2024;51(02):205-209.

    Yang Shenghui, Yang Chen, Yuan Zhen, Wang Linlin*. Analysis of disabilities in childhood among middle-aged and elderly people in China and their long-term health impacts. Modern Preventive Medicine. 2024;51(02):205-209.

  9. 李宏杨, 黄涛, & 王琳琳*. 2024. 脂肪肌肉比率与卵巢良性肿瘤风险的关联性. 北京大学学报(医学版), 56(2): 10-16.

    Li Hongyang, Huang Tao, & Wang Linlin*. 2024. Association between adipose-muscle ratio and the risk of benign ovarian tumors. Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences), 56(2): 10-16.

  10. Fei X#, Cheng Z#, Zhu L#, Han P, Li N, Jiao Z, Liang S, Jiang B, Li M, Li HT*, Lv W*. A practical contrast-enhanced ultrasound risk prediction of gallbladder polyp: differentiation of adenoma from cholesterol polyp lesion. Abdom Radiol (NY). 2024. DOI: 10.1007/s00261-024-04566-4.

  11. Yang J#, Yu H#, Zhao Y, Cheng Z, Du Y, Yuan P, Zhang A, Liu Y, Gong X, Yu Y, Li Y, You X, Huang N, Zhang Y, Sun X, Qi H*, Li HT*, Wei Y*. Development and validation of an ultrasound-based estimated fetal weight reference for Chinese twin pregnancy: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2024;24(1):718.

  12. Zhang M#, Liu M#, Zhang L, Chen Z, Zhou YB*, Li HT*, Liu JM. Impact of cesarean section on metabolic syndrome components in offspring rats. Pediatr Res. 2024. Doi:10.1038/s41390-024-03079-6.

  13. Zhang L#, Wang W#, Gong J#, Wang X, Liang J, Gu S, Su M, Bi S, Sun M, Chen J, Zheng W, Wu J, Wang Z, Liu J, Li HT*, Chen D*, Du L*. Development, validation, and clinical utility of a risk prediction model for recurrent preeclampsia. J Hypertens. 2024;42(2):236-243.

  14. Li HT, Tang JL, Qiao J*. China's declining fertility rate. BMJ. 2024;385:q1000.

  15. 朱荣嘉, 刘扬, 余洪钊, 周玉博, 李宏田*, 刘建蒙. 中国大陆31省出生率差异及影响因素分析. 中国煤炭工业医学杂志. 2024;27(02):207-212.

    Zhu Rongjia, Liu Yang, Yu Hongjiao, Zhou Yubo, Li Hong-tian*, Liu Jianmeng. The Variation in Birth Rate and its Influencing Factors in 31 Provinces of Chinese Mainland. Chinese Journal of Coal Industry Medicine. 2024;27(02):207-212.

  16. 张明轩, 李宏田*, 周玉博, 刘建蒙*. 4~7岁儿童代谢综合征有关指标之间相关模式研究. 中国生育健康杂志. 2024;35(01):18-23.

    Zhang Mingxuan, Li Hong-tian*, Zhou Yubo, Liu Jianmeng*. The Correlation Patterns between the Metabolic Syndrome Related Indexes in Children Aged 4-7 Years Old. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2024;35(01):18-23.

  17. 任浩然, 于敬春*, 刘扬, 于俊利, 周玉博, 王翠, 刘志敏, 李宏田, 刘建蒙*. 山东某县36岁儿童筛查视力异常情况研究. 中国生育健康杂志. 2024;35(02):129-133.

    Ren Haoran, Yu Jingchun*, Liu Yang, Yu Junli, Zhou Yubo, Wang Cui, Liu Zhimin, Li Hong-tian, Liu Jianmeng*. Study on Vision Disorders Among Children Aged 3 to 6 Years Old in a County in Shandong Province. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2024;35(02):129-133.

  18. Yin S#, Zhou Y#, Zhao C#, Yang J, Yuan P, Zhao Y, Qi H*, Wei Y*. Association of Paternal Age Alone and Combined with Maternal Age with Perinatal Outcomes: A Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study in China. J Epidemiol Glob Health. 2024. Doi: 10.1007/s44197-023-00175-4.

  19. 秦婧, 周玉博*, 李宏田, 孟莹, 刘建蒙*. 中国三地乳母乳汁维生素A营养状况及影响因素[J]. 北京大学学报(医学版), 1-16.

    Qin J, Zhou YB*, Li HT, Meng Y, Liu JM*. Nutritional status and influencing factors of breast milk vitamin A among lactating women in three regions of China. Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban, 1-16.

  20. 余洪钊, 周玉博*, 李宏田, 刘建蒙*. 中国城市地区高龄孕妇孕期增重情况[J]. 中国生育健康杂志, 2024, 35 (02): 101-107.

    Yu HZ, Zhou YB*, Li HT, Liu JM*. The weight gain during pregnancy of elder women in Chinese urban areas. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health, 2024, 35 (02): 101-107.

  21. Wang CJ, Li Z, Bai YX, Meng WY, Liu CY, Jin L, Zhang J, Jiao MY, Jin L*. Vitamin D nutritional status in early pregnancy and its relationship with periconceptional multiple micronutrients supplementation. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2024, 33(1): 47-55. Doi: 10.6133/apjcn.202403_33(1).0006.

  22. 栗思思, 刘春毅, 金蕾, 焦明远, 张杰, 孟文颖, 靳蕾*. 妇女围受孕期服用营养补充剂与孕早期贫血的关系. 中国生育健康杂志, 2024, 35(02): 108-14.

    Li SLiu C, Jin L, Jiao M, Zhang J, Meng W, Jin L*. Association between periconceptional micronutrient supplementation and anemia in first trimester of gestational period. Zhong Guo Sheng Yu Jian Kang Za Zhi, 2024, 35(02): 108-14.

  23. Jin M, Liu X, Liu X*, Wu Y, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Li Z, Ye R, Li N*. Association of pre-/early pregnancy high blood pressure and pregnancy outcomes: a systemic review and meta-analysis. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2024, 37(1):2296366.

  24. Zhang Z, Liu X, Huang N, Jin M, Zhuang Z, Yang Z, Liu X, Huang T, Li N*. Joint association and interaction of birth weight and lifestyle with hypertension: A cohort study in UK Biobank. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2024, 26(5):483-90.

  25. Huang N#, Li N#, Zhuang Z, Song Z, Wang W, Dong X, Xiao W, Li Y, Zhao Y, Huang T*. Women's reproductive risk score and healthy lifestyle modification in cardiovascular disease: Findings from the UK Biobank. Atherosclerosis. 2024, 24:117553.

  26. Liu X#, Na J#, Liu X, Jia X, Ren M, Chen J, Han B, Xu J*, Li N*, Li Z, Wang B. Co-exposure to phthalates and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and the risk of gestational hypertension in Chinese women. Environ Int. 2024, 185:108562.

  27. Liu X, Liu X, Huang N, Yang Z, Zhang Z, Zhuang Z, Jin M, Li N*, Huang T. Women's reproductive risk and genetic predisposition in type 2 diabetes: A prospective cohort study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2024, 208:111121.

  28. Liu X, Liu X, An H, Li Z, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Liu J, Ye R, Li N*. Folic acid supplements and perinatal mortality in China. Front Nutr. 2024, 10:1281971.

  29. Meng Y, Yu H, Zhang M, Li H, Zhou Y*, Liu JM*. The Effects of Breastfeeding on Childhood Behavioral and Emotional Development: A Prospective Cohort Study in China. Nutrients. 2024,16(11) :1743. doi: 10.3390/nu16111743.

  30. Li, S., Zhu, H., Yang, C., Wang, C., Liu, J., Jin, L., Li, Z., Ren, A., Wang, L*. Prenatal co-exposure to phthalate metabolites and bisphenols among non-syndromic cleft lip and/or palate in offspring. Environmental Pollution, 2024. 362: 125001.

  31. Chen, Y., Q. Cheng, S. Li, L. Jin, Z. Li, A. Ren, L. Wang*. Organotin Exposure and DNA Methylation in Non-Syndromic Cleft Lip and Palate: Integrating Findings from Case-Control Studies and Animal Experiments. Science of the Total Environment 2024, 954: 176214.

  32. Chen, Y., Y. Pan, L. Liu, Y. Guo, L. Jin, A. Ren, L. Wang*. The Mediating Role of Abnormal Zeb1 Methylation in the Association between Nickel Exposure and Non-Syndromic Orofacial Cleft. Reproductive Toxicology 2024, 130: 108728.

  33. Yang, C., Ning, X., Wang, B., Tian, T., Chen, Y., Ma, L.*, & Wang, L*. Association between spectrum of mycotoxins and semen quality: A cross-sectional study in Beijing, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024. 476:135124.

  34. Chen, Y., Guo, Y., Wang, C., Liu, J., Jin, L., Li, Z., Ren, A., Wang L*. Chromium levels in placental tissue and neural tube defects Association and mechanistic study. Environ Pollut. 2024:124126.

  35. Cheng, Q., Chen, Y., Liu, J., Jin, L., Li, Z., Ren, A., & Wang, L*. Inadvertent antibiotic exposure during pregnancy may increase the risk for neural tube defects in offspring. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2024. 275: 116271.

  36. Cui, M., Guo, Q., Zhao, S., Liu, X., Yang, C., Liu, P*., & Wang, L*. An untargeted comparative metabolomics analysis of infants with and without late-onset breast milk jaundice. PLOS ONE, 2024.19(8): e0308710.

  37. Lin, M., Yan, L., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Zhou, Y., Wang, L*, Tian, C*. 2024. Association between concentrations of rare earth elements in chorionic villus and risk for unexplained spontaneous abortion. Environ Res. 2024 May 15:119165.

  38. Li, S., Wang, C., Yang, C., Chen, Y., Cheng, Q., Liu, J., Zhang, Y., Jin, L., Li, Z., Ren, A., & Wang L*. 2024. Prenatal Exposure to Poly/Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Risk for Congenital Heart Disease in Offspring. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 469: 134008.

  39. 李宏杨, 黄涛, & 王琳琳*. 脂肪肌肉比率与卵巢良性肿瘤风险的关联性. 北京大学学报(医学版), 2024.56(2): 10-16. Li Hongyang, Huang Tao, & Wang Linlin*. Association between adipose-muscle ratio and the risk of benign ovarian tumors. Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences), 2024. 56(2): 10-16.

  40. 杨胜慧, 杨晨, 袁珍, 王琳琳*. 我国中老年人儿童期患残疾情况及对其远期健康的影响分析. 现代预防医学. 2024;51(02):205-209. Yang Shenghui, Yang Chen, Yuan Zhen, Wang Linlin*. Analysis of disabilities in childhood among middle-aged and elderly people in China and their long-term health impacts. Modern Preventive Medicine. 2024;51(02):205-209.

  41. Jia X, Long M, Pang Y, An H, Jin Y, Jiang J, Li Z*, Wang B*. Exposure biomarker profiles of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons based on a rat model using a versatile analytical framework. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2024, 26(8):1268-1280.

  42. Jia X, Li Y, Jin L, Yan L, Zhang Y, Liu J, Zhang L, Wang L, Ren A, Li Z*. Association of co-exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and metal(loid)s with the risk of neural tube defects: a case-control study in Northern China. Biomed Environ Sci. doi: 10.3967/bes2024.130.

  43. Chen X, Zhang H, Li Z*, Liu S, Zhou Y*. Continuous Monitoring of Heart Rate Variability and Respiration for the Remote Diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Prospective Observational Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2024 Jul 18;12:e56226.

  44. Huang J, Zheng W, Wang A, Han W, Chen J, An H, Yan L, Li Z*, Li G*. Maternal cobalt concentration and risk of spontaneous preterm birth: the role of fasting blood glucose and lipid profiles. Front Nutr. 2024 Feb 1;11:1336361.

  45. Huang J, Zheng W, Wang A, Han W, Chen J, An H, Yan L, Li Z*, Li G*. Molybdenum Concentration and the Risk of Spontaneous Preterm Birth: A Nested Case-Control Study - Beijing Municipality, China, 2018-2020. China CDC Wkly. 2024 Mar 29;6(13):261-266.

  46. Fei X, Cheng Z, Zhu L, Han P, Li N, Jiao Z, Liang S, Jiang B, Li M, Li HT*, Lv W*. A practical contrast-enhanced ultrasound risk prediction of gallbladder polyp: differentiation of adenoma from cholesterol polyp lesion. Abdom Radiol, 2024. doi: 10.1007/s00261-024-04566-4.

  47. 宋沁峰, 熊婴,  司可艺, 杜其云, 周辉煌, 周玉博, 李宏田, 刘建蒙. 断脐后捋挤脐血预防足月剖宫产儿贫血与铁缺乏的有效性及安全性. 中华医学杂志, 2024, 104(32):3042-3049.

    Song Qinfeng, Xiong Ying, Si Keyi, Du Qiyun, Zhou Huihuang, Zhou Yubo, Li Hong-tian, Liu Jianmeng. The application of cut-umbilical cord milking in term cesarean deliveries for preventing anemia and iron deficiency of newborns. National Medical Journal of China, 2024, 104(32): 3042-3049.

  48. Jiaxing Wen, Axing Lv, Sumiya Aihemaitijiang, Hongtian Li, Yubo Zhou*, Jianmeng Liu. The association of maternal gestational weight gain with cardiometabolic risk factors in offspring: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutr Rev. 2024. doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuae027.

  49. 周玉博, 余洪钊#, 王爱玲, 刘扬, 李宏田, 刘建蒙, 许宗余*. 20162020年中国生育年龄时空分布特征研究. 中国生育健康杂志. 2024 ,35 (04): 301-312.

    Yubo Zhou, Hongzhao Yu#, Ailing Wang, Yang Liu, Hongtian Li, Jianmeng Liu, Zongyu Xu*. Research on the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of reproductive age in China from 2016 to 2020 Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health 2024 ,35 (04): 301-312.

  50. Liu X, Liu X, Yang Z, Li Z, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Liu J, Ye R, Li N*. The Association of Infant Birth Sizes and Anemia under Five Years Old: A Population-Based Prospective Cohort Study in China. Nutrients, 2024, 16(12): 1796.

  51. Li JJ, Wang P, Sutton C, Harker R, Xue T*, Chen K. Landscape Fire Air Pollution as a Mediator in Drought and Childhood Stunting Pathway in Low-and Middle-Income Countries. Environmental Science & Technology. 2024 Sep 11. doi:10.1021/acs.est.4c04307.

  52. Li P, Wu J, Tong M, Wang R, Tang M, Guan T, Zheng M, Zhu T*, Xue T*. Stillbirths Associated with Particle Pollution are Disproportionally Contributed by Sand Dust: Findings from 52 Low-and Middle-Income Countries. Environmental Science & Technology. 2024 Sep 10;58(36):15971-15983. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.4c04460.

  53. Kang N, Wang R, Lu H, Onyai F, Tang M, Tong M, Ni X, Zhong M, Deng J, Dong Y, Li P*, Zhu T*, Xue T*. Burden of Child Anemia Attributable to Fine Particulate Matters Brought by Sand Dusts in Low-and Middle-Income Countries. Environmental Science & Technology. 2024 Jul 12;58(29):12954-65.

  54. Xue T*, Wu J, Li F, Tong M, Liu H, Yang W*, Li P*. Variation in under-5 mortality attributable to anomalous precipitation during El Niño–Southern Oscillation cycles: Assessment of the intertemporal inequality in child health. Global Environmental Change. 2024 Jul 1;87:102879.

  55. Tong M, Lu H, Xu H, Fan X, Zhang JJ, Kelly FJ, Gong J, Han Y, Li P, Wang R, Li J, Zhu T, Xue T*. Reduced human fecundity attributable to ambient fine particles in low-and middle-income countries. Environment International. 2024 Jul 1;189:108784.

  56. Wen J, Aihemaitijiang S, Li H, Zhou Y*, Liu J*. Association of maternal body mass index and gestational weight gain rate with cardiometabolic traits in childhood: A prospective cohort study. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2024 Jul25:S0939-4753(24)00279-5.

  57. Ren Z, Nie L, Du Y, Liu J*. Intertwined depressive and cognitive trajectories and the risk of dementia and death in older adults: a competing risk analysis. Gen Psychiatr. 2024;37:e101156. doi:10.1136/gpsych-2023-101156 PMID: 38616970 (IF:11.9)

  58. Ren Z, Nie L, Du Y, Zhou T, Sun J, Liu J*. Joint daily functional trajectory and risk of new-onset Alzheimer's disease and related dementias in older adults with normal and abnormal weight. J Affect Disord. 2024 May 7;358:157-162. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2024.05.030. PMID: 38718946. (IF:6.6)

  59. Du Y, Luo Y, Ren Z, Gram LZ, Zheng X, Liu J*. What impact does hearing impairment have on cognitive health in older married couples in China? Soc Sci Med. 2024 Jul;352:116999. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.116999. PMID: 38796949. (IF:5.4)

  60. 杜雨珊,王亚凡,任子扬,杨丰瑞,刘娅婷,刘欣茹,刘菊芬*.三级数字鸿沟对中国数字原生代和数字移民自评健康和生活满意度影响. 中国公共卫生. 2024,40(2):200-205.

    DU Yushan, WANG Yafan, REN Ziyang, YANG Fengrui, LIU Yating, LIU Xinru, LIU Jufen. Influence of three-tire digital divide on self-rated health and life satisfaction among 18 – 54 years old digital natives and immigrants in China: an analysis on CFPS data of 2014, 2016 and 2018. Chin J Public Health. 2024,40(2):200-205.

  61. 张金娟, 郭倩颖*, 崔铭萱, 杨晨, 彭小雨, 潘丽娜, 李威, 汪家琦, 刘晨迪, 王琳琳, 柳鹏, 刘菊芬*. 母乳胰岛素样生长因子Ⅱ与婴儿体格生长指标关联性分析. 中国生育健康杂志. 2024,35(2):134-141.

    ZHANG Jinjuan GUO Qianying CUI Mingxuan YANG Chen PENG Xiaoyu PAN Lina LI Wei WANG JiaqiLIU Chendi WANG Linlin LIU Peng LIU Jufen. Association between human milk insulin like growth factor and infant physical growth indicators and its influencing factors. Chin J Reproductive Health. 2024,35(2):134-141.

  62. Huang WT, Meng WY, Zhang J, Jina L, Jin L*. Periconceptional Supplementation with Folic Acid or Multiple Micronutrients Containing Folic Acid and the Risk for Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy [J]. Medical Principles and Practice, 2024, Doi: 10.1159/000540322.

    Year 2023

  63. Feng Y, Su S, Lin W, Ren M, Gao N, Pan B, Zhang L, Jin L, Zhang Y, Li Z, Ye R, Ren A, Wang B*. Using Machine Learning to Expedite the Screening of Environmental Factors Associated with the Risk of Spontaneous Preterm Birth: From Exposure Mixtures to Key Molecular Events, Environ Sci Technol Lett, 2023, 10, 11, 1036–1044.

  64. Zhao F, Li L, Lin P, Chen Y, Xing S, Du H, Wang Z, Yang J, Huan T, Long C, Zhang L, Wang B*, Fang M*. HExpPredict: In Vivo Exposure Prediction of Human Blood Exposome using A Random Forest Model and Its Application in Chemical Risk Prioritization. Environ Health Perspect, 2023, 131(3):37009.

  65. Jiangtulu B, Lan C, Chen J, Wang B*, Tao Xue*. Ambient Fine Particulate Matter Exposure and Blood Pressure: Evidence from a Large Chinese Multiple Follow-Up Study. Biomed Environ Sci, 2023, 36: 39-50.

  66. Wang B, Pang Y, Li K, Jiang J, Zhu Y, Li Z, Pan B, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Ye R, Li Z*. First evidence on the adverse effect of maternal germanium exposure on fetal neural tube defects, Environ Sci Technol Lett. 2023, 10: 192–197.

  67. Ren Z, Xu Y, Sun J, Han Y, An L, Liu J*. Chronic diseases and multimorbidity patterns, their recent onset, and risk of new-onset Parkinson’s disease and related functional degeneration in older adults: a prospective cohort study. eClinicalMedicine.2023 Oct 6;65:102265. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2023.102265. PMID: 37855021.

  68. Ren Z, Luo Y, Zheng X*, Liu J*. Adverse childhood experiences from family and society contribute to increased risk of depressive symptoms and cognitive impairment: a cross-sectional study. Gen Psychiatr. 2023 Sep 7;36(4):e101039. doi: 10.1136/gpsych-2023-101039.

  69. Ren Z#, Su B#, Du Y, Zhou T, Zheng X*, Liu J*. Effect modifications of BMI transition and trajectory in the associations of adverse childhood experiences with new-onset dementia and its subtypes in older US adults. Gen Psychiatr. 2023 Aug 22;36(4):e101092. doi: 10.1136/gpsych-2023-101092.

  70. Ren Z, Xia S, Sun J, Wang D, Du Y, Li N, Liu J*. Internet use, cardiometabolic multimorbidity, and death in older adults: a multi-cohort study spanning developing and developed countries. Global Health. 2023 Nov 6;19(1):81. doi: 10.1186/s12992-023-00984-z.

  71. Du Y#, Luo Y#, Zheng X, Liu J*. Number of children and cognitive function among Chinese menopausal women: The mediating role of depressive symptoms and social participation. J Affect Disord. 2023 Nov 1;340:758-765. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2023.08.084.

  72. Ren Z, Du Y, Lian X, Sun J, Zheng X*, Liu J*. The dilution effects of healthy lifestyles on the risk of depressive symptoms attributed to life-course disadvantages among Chinese middle-aged and older adults. J Affect Disord. 2023 Sep 1;336:97-105. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2023.05.064. Epub 2023 May 26. PMID: 37245546.

  73. Ren Z, Du Y, Lian X, Luo Y, Zheng X, Liu J*. Bidirectional longitudinal associations between depressive symptoms and somatic conditions after adverse childhood experiences in middle-aged and older Chinese: a causal mediation analysis. Soc Sci Med. 2023;338: 116346. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.116346.

  74. Liu J*. Preventing Birth Defects: Implications and Prospects. China CDC Wkly. 2023 Sep 8;5(36):789-790. doi: 10.46234/ccdcw2023.151.

  75. Liu J*, Lei Y*, Wang L, Guo C. Editorial: Health effects and pathophysiological mechanisms of one-carbon metabolism nutrients intake throughout the life cycle. Front Nutr. 2023 Aug 22;10:1269038. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2023.1269038.

  76. Du Y#, Liu Q#, Du J, Shao B,Wang C, Liu Y, Shi Y, Wang P, Li Z, Li G*, Liu J*.Association between household and outdoor air pollution and risk for metabolic syndrome among women in Beijing, China. Int J Environ Health Res. 2023 Nov 16:1-13. doi: 10.1080/09603123.2023.2275658.

  77. Du Y#, Luo Y#, Ren Z, Zheng X, Liu J*. Impact of adverse childhood experiences on life expectancy with depression in the U.K. population: The mitigating role of educational attainment. Child Abuse Negl. 2023 Oct; 144:106383. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2023.106383.

  78. Du Y#, Luo Y#, Nie L, Ren Z, Sun J, Liu J*. A Link between Prenatal Stage of Life during the Great Chinese Famine and Subsequent Depressive Symptoms among Middle-Aged and Older Adults. Nutrients. 2023 Oct 29;15(21):4600. doi: 10.3390/nu15214600.

  79. Xia S#, Meng C#, Cheng X, Wang D, Wu Y, Li Z, Wei Y*, Liu J*. Trends in the Prevalence of Births with Chromosomal Abnormalities - Haidian District, Beijing Municipality, China, 2013-2022. China CDC Wkly. 2023 Sep 8;5(36):791-796. doi: 10.46234/ccdcw2023.152.

  80. Wang D, Song Z, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Jin L, Ren A, Li Z, Liu J*. Prevalence and Trends of Birth Defects - Five Counties, Shanxi Province, China, 2003-2022. China CDC Wkly. 2023 Sep 8;5(36):797-802. doi: 10.46234/ccdcw2023.153.

  81. Lin L#, Du Y#, Niu G, Xia S, Liu J*. Folate deficiency may increase the risk for elevated TSH in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. BMC Endocr Disord. 2023 Aug 11;23(1):169. doi: 10.1186/s12902-023-01422-2. PMID: 37563586; PMCID: PMC10416468.

  82. Xia S, Du Y, Ren Z, Zhang J, Gao S, Wang J, Li Z, Liu X*, Liu J*. Periconceptional Folic Acid Only Versus Multiple Micronutrients Containing Folic Acid and Association with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus — Beijing Municipality, China, 2017–2021. China CDC Wkly. 2023 June 9;5(23):505-510.

  83. Zhang J#, Zhou M#, Wang P, Wang D, Liu J*, Cheng F*. Temporal trend of HIV-related characteristics and antiretroviral therapy initiation of newly diagnosed HIV-infected adults in Beijing, China, 2010-2020. China CDC Weekly,2023,5(6): 131-136.

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  89. Han X, Cao M, Pan Z, Guo J, Huang D, Sun W, Mi J, Li P, Liu Y, Xue T*, Guan T*. Association between long-term exposure to PM2.5 constituents and electrocardiographic abnormality: A nationwide longitudinal study in China. Environment International. 2023 Aug 1;178:108130.

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  91. Li P, Wu J, Tong M, Li J, Wang R, Ni X, Lu H, Deng J, Ai S, Xue T*, Zhu T. The association of birthweight with fine particle exposure is modifiable by source sector: Findings from a cross-sectional study of 17 low-and middle-income countries. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2023 Mar 15;253:114696.

  92. Li P, Wu J, Wang R, Liu H, Zhu T, Xue T*. Source sectors underlying PM2.5-related deaths among children under 5 years of age in 17 low-and middle-income countries. Environment International. 2023 Feb 1;172:107756.

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    Zhang Dingyuan, Mu Yingchao*, Cheng Zhihao, Ren Haoran, Feng Kang, Li Hong-tian*, Zhang Yong, Liu Jianmeng. Study on the Evaluation of Risk of Myopia in Children and Adolescents Based on NonCycloplegic Refraction. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2023;34(05):433-439.

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    Wang Xiaowei#, Ren Haoran#, Mu Yingchao, Guo Zhenyu, Zhang Yong, Li Hong-tian*. Detection of Breast Cancer with Addition of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Screening to Mammography in Women with Dense Breasts: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment. 2023;30(18):1127-1135.

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    Wang Xiaowei, Mu Yingchao*, Guo Zhenyu, Zhou Yubo, Zhang Yong, Li Hong-tian*, Liu Jianmeng. Secular Trends of Age at Menarche and Age at Menopause in Women Born Since 1951 from a County of Shandong, China. Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences). 2023;55(03):502-510.

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    Liu Yang, Tang Youchi, Zhou Yubo, Li Hong-tian*, Liu Jianmeng*. Study on the Belief of the Unlucky Sheep Year and Its Impacts on Fertility Behavior - Analysis Based on the Births and Naming Characteristics. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2023;34(01):1-5.

  123. 黄永迎, 程志浩, 刘扬, 周玉博, 李宏田*, 刘建蒙. 如何理解受试者工作特征曲线及曲线下面积? 中国生育健康杂志. 2023;34(06):586-591.

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  236. Li J#, Guan T#, Guo Q#, Geng G, Wang H, Guo F, Li J, Xue T*. Exposure to landscape fire smoke reduced birthweight in low-and middle-income countries: findings from a siblings-matched case-control study. eLife. 2021 Sep 29;10:e69298.

  237. Xue T#,*, Geng G#, Li J#, et al, Zhu T*. Associations Between Exposure to Landscape Fire Smoke and Child Mortality in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: a matched case-control study. The Lancet Planetary Health 2021, 5(9), e588-e598.

  238. Xue T*,#, Geng G*, Han Y, Wang H, Li J, Li H, Zhou Y, Zhu T*. Open fire exposure increases the risk of pregnancy loss in South Asia. Nature Communications 2021; 20: 37676.

  239. Xue T*, Guan T, Zheng Y, Geng G, Zhang Q, Yao Y and Zhu T*. Long-term PM2.5 exposure and depressive symptoms in China: a quasi-experimental study. The Lancet Regeional Health - Western Pacific 2021, 6: 100079.

  240. Xue T*, Guan T, Geng G, Zhang Q, Zhao Y, Zhu T*. Estimation of pregnancy losses attributable to exposure to ambient fine particles in South Asia. The Lancet Planetary Health 2021. 5 (1), e15-e24.

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  244. Yang L#, Guo F#, Wang N, Liu S, Zhang X, Li H, Li Q, Xue T*, Xiao Q, Li X, Liu H, et al. Ji J*. Urban greenness and survival in lung cancer patients: A registry-based cohort study in Beijing. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2021 Dec 25;228:113042.

  245. Wang H, Li J, Liu H, Guo F, Xue T*, Guan T, Li J. Association of maternal exposure to ambient particulate pollution with incident spontaneous pregnancy loss. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2021 Nov 1;224:112653.

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  247. Li X, Xue T*, Zheng B, Zhang Y. Risk assessment of mortality from acute exposure to ambient fine particles based on the different toxicities of chemical compositions in China. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences. 2021 Jan 1;18(1):55-66.

  248. Li J, Yao Y, Xie W, Wang B, Guan T, Han Y, Wang H, Zhu T, Xue T*, Association of Long-term Exposure to PM2.5 with Blood Lipids in the Chinese Population: Findings from a Longitudinal Quasi-experiment. Environment International 2021, 151: 106454.

  249. Xue T#, Han Y#, Fan Y#, Zheng Y, Geng G, Zhang Q, Zhu T. Association between a Rapid Reduction in Air Particle Pollution and Improved Lung Function in Adults. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2021.

  250. Xue T, Zheng Y, Li X, Liu J, Zhang Q, Zhu T. A component-specific exposure-mortality model for ambient PM2.5 in China: findings from a nationwide epidemiology based on outputs from a chemical transport model. Faraday Discussions 2021.

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  269. Yan H, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Liu J, Jin L, Pang Y, Yan L, Qin Y, Wang B, Ye R*, Li Z*, Ren A. Associations of AHR, CYP1A1, EPHX1, and GSTP1 genetic polymorphisms with small-for-gestational-age infants. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2021 Sep;34(17):2807-2815.

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    Jia Xiaoqian; Ren Mengyuan; Yang Haishan; Wang Bin; Zhang Le; Wang Jiamei; Li Zewu; Liu Shuyu; Li Zhiwen *; Liu Xiaohong *. Association study between dietary frequency and tin level in hair in gestational diabetes and healthy pregnant women in Haidian District, Beijing. The Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health;2021;32(3):201-205.

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    Ren Mengyuan; Jia Xiaoqian; Wang Ying; Li Nan; Meng Ran; Zhang Le; Li Zewu; Liu Daojie; Wang Bin; Li Zhiwen *; Liu Xiaohong *. Association study of dietary frequency and phthalate level in hair in Haidian District, Beijing. The Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health;2021;32(2):101-105.

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  285. Liu J#, Jin L#, Ren A. Nutritional Status of Selenium and Its Association with Diet and Indoor Air Pollution among Pregnant Women in a Rural Area of Northern China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18(22): Doi:

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  287. Liu Y, Li N*, An H, Li Z, Zhang L, Li H, Zhang Y, Ye R*. Impact of gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia on low birthweight and small-for-gestational-age infants in china: A large prospective cohort study. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2021;23(4):835-42.

  288. Liu Y#, Li N#, Mei Z, Li Z*, Ye R*, Zhang L, Li H, Zhang Y, Liu J, Mary K. Effects of Prenatal Micronutrients Supplementation Timing on Pregnancy-induced Hypertension: Secondary Analysis of A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial. Matern Child Nutr. 2021, 17(3):e13157.

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  293. Xie J#, Yan L#, Cheng Z, Qiang L, Yan J, Liu Y, Liang R, Zhang J, Li Z, Zhuang L, Hao C, Wang B*, Lu Q*. Potential effect of inflammation on the failure risk of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer among infertile women. Hum Fertil, 2020, 23: 214-222.

  294. Li M#, Zhuang L#, Zhang G, Lan C, Yan L, Liang R, Hao C, Li Z, Zhang J, Lu Q*, Wang B*, Association between Exposure of Light Rare Earth Elements and Outcomes of In Vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer in North China. Sci Total Environ, 2020, 762: 143106.

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  296. Liu X, Chen D*, Wang B*, Xu F, Pang Y, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Jin L, Li Z, Ren A. Does Low Maternal Exposure to Per- And Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Elevate the Risk of Spontaneous Preterm Birth? A Nested Case-Control Study in China. Environ Sci Technol. 2020, 54:8259-8268.

  297. Ren M, Jia X, Shi J, Yan L, Li Z, Lan C, Chen J, Li N, Li K, Huang J, Wu S, Lu Q, Li Z*, Wang B*, Liu J. Simultaneous analysis of typical halogenated endocrine disrupting chemicals and metal(loid)s in human hair. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 718, 137300.

  298. Ren M#, Yan L#, Pang Y, Jia X, Huang J, Shen G, Cheng H, Wang X, Pan B, Li Z, Wang B*. External interference from ambient air pollution on using hair metal(loid)s for biomarker-based exposure assessment. Environ Int, 2020, 137:105584.

  299. 任梦圆, 陈俊熹, 巴哈白克·江吐鲁, 贾晓倩, 兰场新, 李泽武, 张乐, 叶荣伟, 李智文, 王斌*.环境温湿度对新型冠状病毒传播影响研究的现状及展望, 环境化学, 2020, 3, 9(6):1473-1478.

    Ren Mengyuan, Chen Junxi, Bahabaikejiangtulu, Jia Xiaoqian, Lanchangxin, Li Zewu, Zhang Le, Ye Rongwei, Li Zhiwen, Bin Wang*. Current status and prospects of research on the impact of environmental temperature and humidity on the transmission of novel coronavirus, Environmental Chemistry, 2020, 9(6): 1473-1478.

  300. (300) 李泽武, 巴哈白克·江吐鲁, 任梦圆, 贾晓倩, 陈俊熹, 兰场新, 鹿群, 庄丽丽, 刘倩, 李智文*, 王斌*, 叶荣伟. 新型冠状病毒感染与孕产妇不良妊娠结局关系的研究现状, 中国生育健康杂志,2020, 31(3): 273-276.

    Li Zewu, Bahabaikejiangtulu, Ren Mengyuan, Jia Xiaoqian, Chen Junxi, Lanchangxin, Lu Qun, Zhuang Lili, Liu Qian, Li Zhiwen*, Bin Wang*, Ye Rongwei. Current research status on the relationship between novel coronavirus infection and adverse pregnancy outcomes in pregnant women, Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health, 2020, 31(3): 273-276.

  301. 庞一鸣, 王佳楣, 刘念, 陈小兰, 刘晓红, 王斌, 李智文*. 孕妇基因多态性和自发性早产发生风险的关联性研究. 中国生育健康杂志, 2020, 2: 132-136. Pang Yiming, Wang Jiamei, Liu Nian, Chen Xiaolan, Liu Xiaohong, Bin Wang, Li Zhiwen*. Association between maternal gene polymorphism and the risk of spontaneous preterm birth. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health, 2020, 2: 132-136.

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  304. Guan T, Xue T*, Guo J, Wang X, Zheng Y, Chao B, Kang Y, Chen Z, Zhang L, Zheng C, Jiang L, Yang Y, Zhang Q, Wang Z*. How protective is China’s National Ambient Air Quality Standard on short-term PM2.5: Findings from blood pressure measurements of 1 million adults. Environmental Research Letters 2020.

  305. Xue T, Zheng Y, Geng G, Xiao Q, Meng X, Wang M, Li X, Wu N, Zhang Q*, Zhu T*. Estimating spatiotemporal variation in ambient ozone exposure during 2013–2017 using a data-fusion model. Environmental Science & Technology 2020 54(23):14877-88.

  306. Xue T#, Guan T*, Zheng Y, Zhang Q, Guo J, Liu Y, Zhu T*. Quantifying the contribution of temperature anomaly to stroke risk in China. Environmental Research Letters 2020.

  307. Yang L, Xue T#, Wang N, Yuan Y, Liu S, Li H, Zhang X, Ren A, Ji J. Burden of lung cancer attributable to ambient fine particles and potential benefits from air quality improvements in Beijing, China: A population-based study. Science of The Total Environment. 2020 Jun 17:140313.

  308. Guan T, Xue T#, Wang X, Zheng Y, Guo J, Kang Y, ... & Gao R. Geographic variations in the blood pressure responses to short-term fine particulate matter exposure in China. Science of The Total Environment, 2020 722: 137842.

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  310. Guo YN, Liu LJ, Ni WL, Pan YQ, Chen YY, Xie Q, Liu YQ, Jin L, Li ZW, Ren AG, Wang LL*. Uranium concentration in umbilical cord may increase the risk for orofacial clefts. Environ Res 2020; 182:109103.

  311. Huang Y, Lin S, Wang C, Pi X, Jin L, Li Z, Wang LL*, Ren A*: Neural Tube Defects and ZIC4 Hypomethylation in Relation to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Exposure. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 2020, 8:582661.

  312. Tian T, Lei YP, Chen YY, Guo YN, Jin L, Finnell RH, Wang LL*, Ren AG*. Rare copy number variations of planar cell polarity genes are associated with human neural tube defects. Neurogenetics 2020; 21(3):217-225.

  313. Tian T, Wang LL*, Ye RW, Liu JM, Ren AG*. Maternal hypertension, preeclampsia, and risk of neonatal respiratory disorders in a large-prospective cohort study. Pregnancy Hypertens 2020; 19:131-137.

  314. Liu L, Wang LL*, Ni W, Pan Y, Chen Y, Xie Q, Liu Y, Ren A. Rare earth elements in umbilical cord and risk for orofacial clefts. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2020; 207:111284.

  315. Liu J, Wang LL*, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Jin L, Li Z, Ren A*: Selected Structural Birth Defects — Shanxi Province, China, 2000−2019. China CDC Weekly 2020, 2(37):718-722.

  316. 刘丽军, 郭倩颖*, 崔铭萱, 刘菊芬, 杨晨, 李雪宁, 柳鹏, 王琳琳*: 妇女孕早期炎性标志物NLR与母乳中sIgA的关系. 中国生育健康杂志 2020; 31(06): 506-511.

    Liu Lijun, Guo Qianying*, Cui Mingxuan, Liu Jufen, Yang Chen, Li Xuening, Liu Peng, Wang Linlin*: The relationship between inflammatory marker NLR in early pregnancy and sIgA in breast milk. China Journal of Reproductive Health 2020; 31(06): 506-511.

  317. Li N, An H, Li Z*, Ye R*, Zhang L, Li H, Liu J. Preconception blood pressure and risk of gestational hypertension and preeclampsia: a large cohort study in China. Hypertens Res. 2020 Sep;43(9):956-962.

  318. Zheng H#, Li N#, Hao Y, Jin C, Meng Y, Yao S, Wei J, Pan Y, Gao S, Li Z*, Liu X*. Maternal severe stressful life events and risk of abnormal vaginal bleeding among urban Chinese pregnant women. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2020 Jun;33(12):2027-2031.

  319. Pang Y#, Yan L#, Ren M, Jia X, Liu T, Du W, Wang B, Li Z*, Lu Q*. Environmental complex exposure and the risk of influenza-like illness among housewives: A case study in Shanxi Province, China. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2020 May;194:110405.  

  320. Ren M, Jia X, Shi J, Yan L, Li Z, Lan C, Chen J, Li N, Li K, Huang J, Wu S, Lu Q, Li Z*, Wang B*, Liu J. Simultaneous analysis of typical halogenated endocrine disrupting chemicals and metal(loid)s in human hair. Sci Total Environ. 2020 May 20;718:137300.

  321. 李泽武;巴哈白克.江吐鲁;任梦圆;贾晓倩;陈俊熹;兰场新;鹿群;庄丽丽;刘倩;李智文*;王斌*;叶荣伟.新型冠状病毒感染与孕产妇不良妊娠结局关系的研究现状.中国生育健康杂志;2020;31(3):273-276.

    Li Zewu; Bahabek. Jiangturu; Ren Mengyuan; Jia Xiaoqian; Chen Junxi; LAN Chang Xin; Deer Qun; Zhuang Lili; Liu Qian; Li Zhiwen *; Wang Bin *; Ye Rongwei. Current status of the relationship between novel coronavirus infection and adverse maternal pregnancy outcomes. The Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health;2020;31(3):273-276.

  322. 庞一鸣;王佳楣;刘念;陈小兰;刘晓红;王斌;李智文*.孕妇基因多态性和自发性早产发生风险的关联性研究.中国生育健康杂志;2020;31(2):132-136.

    Pang Yiming; Wang Jiamei; Liu Nian; Chen Xiaolan; Liu Xiaohong; Wang Bin; Li Zhiwen *. Association study of genetic polymorphisms and the risk of spontaneous preterm birth in pregnant women. The Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health;2020;31(2):132-136.

  323. Li QY#, Wang DY#, Li HT*, Liu JM*. Screening-based and Risk-based Strategy for the Prevention of Early-onset Group B Streptococcus/Non-group B Streptococcus Sepsis in the Neonate: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020;39(8):740-748.

  324. Li HT, Hellerstein S, Zhou YB, Liu JM*, Blustein J. Trends in Cesarean Delivery Rates in China, 2008-2018. JAMA. 2020;323(1):89-91.

  325. Li HT, Cheng ZH, Huang YY, Lv XL, Zhou YB, Dong E, Liu JM*. Patients' Attitudes to Unproven Therapies in Treating COVID-19 Merit Evaluation. Innovation (Camb). 2020;1(2):100028.

  326. 李宏田#, 程志浩#, 黄永迎, 刘建蒙*. 2019新型冠状病毒感染性疾病流行与武汉人口迁徙关系研究. 中华医学科研管理杂志. 2020(Z1):31-35.

    Li Hong-tian#, Cheng Zhihao#, Huang Yongying, Liu Jianmeng*. Study on the relationship between the COVID-19 epidemic in China and population migration from Wuhan. Chinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management. 2020(Supplement):31-35.

  327. 程志浩, 周玉博, 罗树生, 李宏田*, 刘建蒙*. 中国区县级妇幼保健水平综合评价研究. 中国生育健康杂志. 2020;31(04):305-309.

    Cheng Zhihao, Zhou Yubo, Luo Shusheng, Li Hong-tian*, Liu Jianmeng*. Comprehensive Evaluation of the Quality of Maternal and Child Health Care of All Counties in China. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2020;31(04):305-309.

  328. 程志浩, 李宏田*, 刘建蒙. 相关分析和回归分析在健康管理科研中的应用. 中华健康管理学杂志. 2020(05):492-496.

    Cheng Zhihao, Li Hong-tian*, Liu Jianmeng. Application of correlation and regression analysis in health management research. Chinese Journal of Health Management. 2020(05):492-496.

  329. 刘扬, 李宏田, 周玉博*, 刘建蒙*. 人群生育力与生育力保护[J]. 中国生育健康杂志, 2020, 31(05): 401-403+419.

    Liu Y, Li HT, Zhou YB*, Liu JM*. Population fertility and fertility protection. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health, 2020, 31(05): 401-403+419.

  330. 李秀翠, 周玉博*, 司可艺, 李宏田, 张乐, 张亚黎, 刘菊芬, 刘建蒙*. 孕晚期妇女与新生儿血浆维生素A水平的相关性分析[J]. 北京大学学报(医学版), 2020, 52 (03): 464-469.

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  331. Pi X, Qiao Y, Wang C, Li Z, Liu J, Wang L, Jin L*, Ren A*. Concentrations of organochlorine pesticides in placental tissue are not associated with risk for fetal orofacial clefts. Reprod Toxicol, 2020, 98(99-106. Doi: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2020.08.013.

  332. Liu M#, Jin L#, Yu J, Su Z, Sun Y, Liu Y, Xie Q, Li Z, Wang L, Ren A*. Essential trace elements in umbilical cord tissue and risk for neural tube defects. Reprod Toxicol, 2020, 98(149-56. Doi: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2020.09.007.

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  338. Yin S, Zhou Y*, Li H, Cheng Z, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Liu J, Liu JM*. Association of gestational weight gain rate with infant anaemia in China: a birth cohort study. Br J Nutr. 2020,124(12):1285-1292.

    Year 2019

  339. Wang B #,*, Zhu Y#, Yan L, Zhang J, Wang X, Cheng H, Li Z*, Ye R, Ren A. Association of maternal chronic arsenic exposure with the risk of neural tube defects in northern China. Environ Int, 2019, 126: 222-227.

  340. Yu Y, Gao M, Wang X, Guo Y, Pang Y, Yan H, Hao Y, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Ye R, Wang B*, Li Z*. Recommended acceptable levels of maternal serum typical toxic metals from the perspective of spontaneous preterm birth in Shanxi Province, China. Sci Total Environ, 2019, 686: 599–605.

  341. Pang Y, Guo Y, Li K, Ren M, Jia X, Li Z, Wang B*, Yan L*, Li Z. Potential effect of germanium exposure on the risk of influenza like illness in housewives in Shanxi Province, China. Sci Total Environ, 2019, 682: 208–212.

  342. Jia X, Yin S, Xu J, Li N, Ren M, Qin Y, Zhou J, Wei Y, Guo Y, Guo M, Yu Y, Wang B*, Li Z. An efficient method to simultaneously analyze multi-class organic pollutants in human serum. Environ Pollut, 2019, 251: 400-406.

  343. Liu J, Li Z, Ye R, Ren A, Liu J. Folic acid supplementation and risk for congenital limb reduction defects in China. Int J Epidemiol. 2019 Dec 1;48(6):2010-2017. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyz130.

  344. Zhang X*, Liu J*, Jin Y, Yang S, Song Z, Jin L, Wang L, Ren A. Folate of pregnant women after a nationwide folic acid supplementation in China. Maternal and Child Nutrition.2019. Oct;15(4):e12828. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12828. (PMID: 30970178).

  345. 刘菊芬*. 未折叠蛋白反应与神经管缺陷关系的研究进展.中国生育健康杂志, 2019,30(1):83-87.

    Liu Jufen*. Research Progress on the Relationship between Unfolded Protein Response and Neural Tube Defects. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health, 2019, 30(1): 83-87.

  346. Xue T, Zhu T, Geng G, Zhang Q. Association between pregnancy loss and ambient PM2.5 using survey data in Africa: a longitudinal case-control study, 1998–2016. The Lancet Planetary Health 2019. 3(5), 219-225.

  347. Xue T, Zhu T, Zheng Y, Zhang Q. Declines in mental health associated with air pollution and temperature variability in China. Nature Communications 2019; 10, 2165.  

  348. Xue T, Zhu T, Zheng Y, Liu J, Li X, Zhang Q. Change in the number of PM2.5-attributed deaths in China from 2000 to 2010: Comparison between estimations from census-based epidemiology and pre-established exposure-response functions. Environment International 2019. 129, 430-437.

  349. Xue T, Liu J, Zhang Q, Geng G, Zheng Y, Dan T, Liu Z, Guan D, Bo Y, Zhu T, He K, Hao J, Rapid improvement of PM2.5 pollution and associated health benefits in China during 2013–2017. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences 2019. 62(12), 1847-1856.

  350. Xue T, Zheng Y, Tong D, Zheng B, Li X, Zhu T, Zhang Q. Spatiotemporal continuous estimates of PM2.5 concentrations in China, 2000-2016: a machine learning method with inputs from satellites, chemical transport model, and ground observations. Environment International 2019; 123: 345–357.

  351. Xue T#, Guan T#, Liu Y, Zheng Y, Fan S, Zhang Q. A national case-crossover study on ambient ozone pollution and first-ever stroke among Chinese adults: interpreting a weak association via differential susceptibility. Science of the Total Environment 2019; 654: 135-143.

  352. Wang LL, Ren A*, Tian T, Li N, Cao X, Zhang P, Jin L, Li Z, Shen Y, Zhang B, Finnell RH*, Lei Y*. Whole-Exome Sequencing Identifies Damaging de novo Variants in Anencephalic Cases. Front Neurosci 2019, 13(1285):1285.

  353. Ni W, Yang W, Yu J, Li Z, Jin L, Liu J, Zhang Y, Wang LL*, Ren A. Association between selected essential trace element concentrations in umbilical cord and risk for cleft lip with or without cleft palate: A case-control study. Sci Total Environ 2019;661:196-202.

  354. Ni W, Yang W, Jin L, Liu J, Li Z, Wang B, Wang LL*, Ren A: Levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in umbilical cord and risk of orofacial clefts. Sci Total Environ 2019, 678:123-132.

  355. Lin S, Ren A*, Wang LL*, Santos C, Huang Y, Jin L, Li Z, Greene NDE. Aberrant methylation of Pax3 gene and neural tube defects in association with exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Clin Epigenetics 2019;11(1):13.

  356. Huang Y, Ren A*, Wang LL*, Jin L, Lin S, Li Z, McDonald JA. Casp8 hypomethylation and neural tube defects in association with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure. Clin Epigenetics 2019;11(1):72.

  357. Huang Y, Lin S, Jin L, Wang LL*, Ren A*. Decreased global DNA hydroxymethylation in neural tube defects: Association with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Epigenetics 2019;14(10):1019-1029.

  358. Huang A, Xiao Y, Hu H, Zhao W, Yang Q, Ma W, Wang LL*. Gestational weight gain charts by gestational age and body mass index for Chinese women: A population-based follow-up study. J Epidemiol 2019.

  359. Yang W, Xiao Y, Tian T, Jin L, Wang LL*, Ren A. Genetic variants in GRHL3 and risk for neural tube defects: A case-control and case-parent triad/control study. Birth Defects Res 2019.

  360. Yang W, Wang LL*, Tian T, Liu L, Jin L, Liu J, Ren A. Maternal hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and risk of hypoxic-ischemia encephalopathy. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2019:1-9.

  361. Liu L, Wang LL*, Yang W, Ni W, Jin L, Liu J, Ren A. Gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia and risk of spontaneous premature rupture of membranes: A population-based cohort study. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2019.

  362. Liu J, Li Z*, Ye R, Ren A, Liu J. Folic acid supplementation and risk for congenital limb reduction defects in China. Int J Epidemiol. 2019 Dec 1;48(6):2010-2017.

  363. Yu Y, Gao M, Wang X, Guo Y, Pang Y, Yan H, Hao Y, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Ye R, Wang B*, Li Z*. Recommended acceptable levels of maternal serum typical toxic metals from the perspective of spontaneous preterm birth in Shanxi Province, China. Sci Total Environ. 2019 Oct 10;686:599-605.

  364. Zhang L#, Zhang Y#, Li Z*, Ren A, Liu J, Ye R*. Maternal periconceptional body mass index and risk for neural tube defects: results from a large cohort study in China. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019 Apr 22:1-7.

  365. Wang B#*, Zhu Y#, Yan L, Zhang J, Wang X, Cheng H, Li Z*, Ye R, Ren A. Association of maternal chronic arsenic exposure with the risk of neural tube defects in Northern China. Environ Int. 2019 May;126:222-227.

  366. 霍文华;周玉博;王斌;刘菊芬;靳蕾;任爱国;李智文*.妊娠期妇女血液叶酸水平及影响因素分析.中国生育健康杂志;2019;30(2):101-105.

    Huo Wenhua; Zhou Yubo; Wang Bin; Liu Jufen; Jin Lei; Ren Aiguo; Li Zhiwen *. Analysis of blood folate level and influencing factors in women during pregnancy. The Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health;2019;30(2):101-105.

  367. 谢婧;王斌;李智文*;庄丽丽;郝翠芳;梁蓉;鹿群;闫赖赖;程子茜;张敬旭.沿海和内陆城市行体外受精-胚胎移植妇女血清中有毒金属水平及其与膳食习惯的关系.中国生育健康杂志;2019;30(2):116-120.

    Xie Jing; Wang Bin; Li Zhiwen *; Zhuang Lili; Hao Cuifang; Liang Rong; Deer; Yan Lai Lai; Cheng Ziqian; Zhang Jingxu. The toxic metal levels and their relationship with dietary habits in IVF-embryo transfer women in coastal and inland cities. The Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health;2019;30(2):116-120.

  368. Zhou YB#, Li HT#, Si KY, Zhang YL, Wang LL, Liu JM*. Association of elective cesarean delivery with metabolic measures in childhood: A prospective cohort study in China. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2019;29(8):775-782.

  369. Li HT#, Xue M#, Hellerstein S, Cai Y, Gao Y, Zhang Y, Qiao J*, Blustein J, Liu JM*. Association of China's universal two child policy with changes in births and birth related health factors: national, descriptive comparative study. BMJ. 2019;366:l4680.

  370. 赵丽君, 李宏田*, 张亚黎, 周玉博, 刘建蒙*. 基于移动终端开展中国新生儿出生特征研究. 北京大学学报(医学版). 2019;51(05):813-818.

    Zhao Lijun, Li Hong-tian*, Zhang Yali, Zhou Yubo, Liu Jianmeng*. Mobile Terminal-based Survey on the Birth Characteristics for Chinese Newborns. Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences). 2019;51(05):813-818.

  371. 李宏田, 刘建蒙*. 队列研究在健康管理科研中的应用. 中华健康管理学杂志. 2019;13(3):268-272.

    Li Hong-tian, Liu Jianmeng*. Cohort studies in health management research. Chinese Journal of Health Management. 2019;13(3):268-272.

  372. Liao ZJ, Zhou YB*, Li HT, Wang C, Chen DJ, Liu JM*. The Rates and Medical Necessity of Cesarean Delivery in the Era of the Two-Child Policy in Hubei and Gansu Provinces, China. Am J Public Health. 2019;109(3):476-482.

  373. Tong M, Jin L, Liu J, Li Z, Li H, Zhang L, Ye R, Ren A. Association between gestational weight gain and exclusive breast-feeding for the first 6 months postpartum in Chinese women . Public Health Nutr, 2019, 22(11): 2092-8. Doi: 10.1017/S1368980019000387.

  374. 于锦慧, 孙颖, 苏在明, 李智文, 张乐, 张亚黎, 刘菊芬, 王琳琳, 任爱国, 靳蕾*. 脐带组织九种元素含量与胎龄的关系 . 中国生育健康杂志, 2019, 02): 139-43.

    Yu J, Sun Y, Su Z, Li Z, Zhang, L, Zhang Y, Liu J, Wang L, Ren A, Jin L*. Relationships of nine element concentrations in umbilical cord tissue and gestational age. Zhong Guo Sheng Yu Jian Kang Za Zhi, 2019, 02): 139-43.

  375. 佟明坤, 刘明, 于锦慧, 孙颖, 苏在明, 李智文, 王琳琳, 任爱国, 陈来国, 靳蕾*. 不同胎龄神经管缺陷患儿脐带组织内甲基汞和总汞含量的比较. 环境与职业医学, 2019, 36(06): 519-25. Doi: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2019.19083.

    Tong M, Liu M, Yu J, Sun Y, Su Z, Li Z, Wang L, Ren A, Chen L, Jin L*. Comparison of methylmercury and total mercury concentrations in umbilical cord tissues of fetuses with neural tube defects at different gestational ages. Huan Jing Yu Zhi Ye Yi Xue, 2019, 36(06): 519-25. Doi: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2019.19083.

  376. Chen S#, Li N#, Mei Z, Ye R*, Li Z, Liu J, Serdular MK. Micronutrient supplementation during pregnancy and the risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension: A randomized clinical trial. Clinical Nutrition. 2019, 38(1): 146-51.

  377. An H#, Li N#, Gao S#, Li Z, Wang J, Liu X*, Ye R*. The impact of preconception body mass index on cervical length: A prospective cohort study in China. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine. 2019, 18: 1-5.

  378. Yan H#, Gao S#, Li N#, Hao Y, Liu Y, Li Z, Wang J, Liu X*, Ye R*. Impact of cervical length on preterm birth in northern China: a prospective cohort study. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine. 2019, 27: 1-6.

  379. Liu Y, Li N*, Li Z, Zhang L, Li H, Zhang Y, Liu JM, Ye R*. Impact of gestational hypertension and preeclampsia on fetal gender: A large prospective cohort study in China. Pregnancy Hypertension. 2019, 18: 132-6.

  380. Zhou Y, Li H, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Liu J, Liu JM*. Association of Maternal Obesity in Early Pregnancy with Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: A Chinese Prospective Cohort Analysis. Obesity. 2019,27(6):1030-1036.

  381. Zhou Y, Li H, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Liu J, Liu JM*. Rate of gestational weight gain and adverse pregnancy outcomes in rural nulliparous women: a prospective cohort analysis from China. Br J Nutr. 2019,122(3):352-359.

  382. Serdula MK, Zhou Y, Li H, Liu JM*, Mei Z. Prenatal iron containing supplements provided to Chinese women with no or mild anemia had no effect on hemoglobin concentration in post-partum women or their infants at 6 and 12 months of age. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2019,73(11):1473-1479.

    Year 2018

  383. Wang B#, Zhu Y#, Pang Y, Xie J, Hao Y, Yan H, Li Z, Ye R*. Indoor air pollution affects hypertension risk in rural women in Northern China by interfering with the uptake of metal elements: A preliminary cross-sectional study. Environ Pollut, 2018, 240: 267-272.

  384. Zhu Y, Li Z, Pang Y, Huo W, Li N, Li Z, Zhang J, Ye R*, Wang B*. Association between chronic exposure to tobacco smoke and accumulation of toxic metals in hair among pregnant women. Biol Trace Elem Res, 2018, 185: 302-310.

  385. Liu J, Li Z*, Ye R*, Ren A, Liu J. Periconceptional folic acid supplementation and sex difference in prevention of neural tube defects and its’ subtype in China: Results from a large prospective cohort study. Nutrition Journal.2018 Dec 12;17(1):115. doi: 10.1186/s12937-018-0421-3. (PMID: 30541549).

  386. Liu J, Xie J, Li Z, Greene NDE, Ren A. Sex differences in the prevalence of neural tube defects and preventive effects of folic acid (FA) supplementation among five counties in northern China: results from a population-based birth defect surveillance programme. BMJ Open. 2018 Nov 8;8(11):e022565. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-022565 (PMID: 30413501).

  387. Liu J, Jin L, Li Z, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Wang L, Ren A. Prevalence and trend of isolated and complicated congenital hydrocephalus and preventive effect of folic acid in northern China, 2005–2015. Metab Brain Dis. 2018 Jun;33(3):837-842. doi: 10.1007/s11011-017-0172-4 (PMID: 29388147).

  388. Jufen Liu, Piye Niu, Bin Wang, Aiguo Ren. Exposure to ambient air pollutants, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and female infertility. ISES-ISEE 2018 Joint Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, 26-30 August 2018. (Poster presentation)

  389. 刘菊芬*,陈鹤.北京市残疾人联合会.北京市残疾人预期寿命和退休年龄调整估算研究.残疾人研究. 2018,1:83-91.

    Liu Jufen*, Chen He. Estimation of Life Expectancy and Retirement Age Adjustment for Persons with Disabilities in Beijing. Disability Research, 2018, 1: 83-91.

  390. 王银浩,刘菊芬*.北京高校大学生中独生子女与非独生子女生育意愿的差别研究.中国生育健康杂志, 2018,29(5):401-406,419.

    Wang Yinhao, Liu Jufen*. Differences in Fertility Intentions between Only Child and Non-Only Child University Students in Beijing. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health, 2018, 29(5): 401-406, 419.

  391. Xue T, Zhu T, Lin WW, Talbott EO. Association Between Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy and Particulate Matter in the Contiguous United States, 1999-2004. Hypertension 2018;72(1):77-84.

  392. Xue T, Zhu T. Association between Fertility Rate Reduction and Pre-gestational Exposure to Ambient Fine Particles in the United States, 2003–2011. Environment International 2018; 121:955-962.

  393. Xue T, Zhu T, Han Y. Association between birthweight and ambient PM2.5 in the United States: Individually-varied susceptibility and spatial heterogeneity. Environment International 2018;119:388-397.

  394. Xue T, Zhu T. Increment of ambient exposure to fine particles and the reduced human fertility rate in China, 2000-2010. Science of the Total Environment 2018;642:497-504.

  395. Xue T*, Zhang Q. Associating ambient exposure to fine particles and human fertility rates in China. Environmental Pollution 2018;235:497-504.

  396. Ni W, Yang W, Yu J, Li Z, Jin L, Liu J, Zhang Y, Wang LL*, Ren A. Umbilical Cord Concentrations of Selected Heavy Metals and Risk for Orofacial Clefts. Environmental science & technology 2018; 52:10787-95.

  397. Lin S, Ren A*, Wang LL*, Huang Y, Wang Y, Wang C, Greene N. Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis in Benzo[a]pyrene-Induced Neural Tube Defects. Free radical biology & medicine 2018; 116:149-58.

  398. Tian T, Wang LL*, Shen Y, Zhang B, Finnell RH, Ren A*. Hypomethylation of GRHL3 gene is associated with the occurrence of neural tube defects. Epigenomics 2018 Jul;10(7):891-901.

  399. Wang LL, Xiao Y, Tian T, Jin L, Lei Y*, Finnell RH, Ren A*. Digenic variants of planar cell polarity genes in human neural tube defect patients. Mol Genet Metab 2018 May;124(1):94-100.

  400. Dong Y, Wang LL*, Lei Y, Yang N, Cabrera RM, Finnell RH, Ren A*. Gene variants in the folate pathway are associated with increased levels of folate receptor autoantibodies. Birth Defects Res 2018; 110:973-81.

  401. Ni W; Tian T; Zhang L; Li Z; Wang LL*; Ren A. Maternal periconceptional consumption of sprouted potato and risks of neural tube defects and orofacial clefts. Nutrition Journal 2018;17(1), 112.

  402. 肖艳慧, 田甜, 李智文, 张乐, 李楠, 靳蕾, 王琳琳*, 任爱国. 平面细胞极化通路基因突变与神经管缺陷的关联研究. 中国生育健康杂志 2018; 29:333-9.

    Xiao Yanhui, Tian Tian, Li Zhiwen, Zhang Le, Li Nan, Jin Lei, Wang Linlin*, Ren Aiguo. Study on the association between mutations in the planar cell polarity pathway genes and neural tube defects. China Journal of Reproductive Health 2018; 29:333-9.

  403. 赵薇, 董宇琪, 肖艳慧, 黄爱群, 王琳琳*. 受孕季节与孕妇异常增重及异常出生体重的关系. 中国计划生育学杂志 2018; 26:244-7+59.

    Zhao Wei, Dong Yuqi, Xiao Yanhui, Huang Aiqun, Wang Linlin*. The relationship between conception season and abnormal weight gain and birth weight in pregnant women. Chinese Journal of Family Planning 2018; 26:244-7+59.

  404. Liu J, Li Z*, Ye R*, Liu J, Ren A. Periconceptional folic acid supplementation and sex difference in prevention of neural tube defects and their subtypes in China: results from a large prospective cohort study. Nutr J. 2018 Dec12;17(1):115.

  405. Liu J, Xie J, Li Z*, Greene NDE, Ren A. Sex differences in the prevalence of neural tube defects and preventive effects of folic acid (FA) supplementation among five counties in northern China: results from a population-based birth defect surveillance programme. BMJ Open. 2018 Nov 8;8(11):e022565.

  406. Jia X#, Li N#, Gao S#, Ye R, Wang J, Liu X*, Li Z*. The impact of self-reported preconception body mass index on gestational abnormal glucose tolerance in a Chinese center. J Diabetes Complications. 2018 Oct;32(10):951-954.

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    JIN Chuyao, LI Nan*, LI Zhiwen, ZHANG Le. Research progress on risk factors for early menarche and its health effects. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2018,29(3): 386-8.

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    Liao Zijun, Zhou Yubo, Zhou Yan, Li Hongtian, Si Keyi, Liu Jianmeng*. Analysis of the characteristics and indications of cesarean section among parturients in different levels of hospitals. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2018,29(02):106-109+141.

    Year 2017

  421. Sun Y, Pang Y, Zhang J, Li Z, Liu J, Wang B*. Application of molecularly imprinted polymers for the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in lipid matrix-based biological samples. Anal Bioanal Chem, 2017, 409(29): 6851-6860.

  422. Li Z#, Wang B#,*, Huo W, Liu Y, Zhu Y, Xie J, Li Z*, Ren A. Are concentrations of alkaline earth elements in maternal hair associated with risk of neural tube defects? Sci Total Environ, 2017, 609: 694-700.

  423. Li Z#, Li Z#, Zhang J, Huo W, Zhu Y, Xie J, Lu Q, Wang B*. Using nicotine in scalp hair to assess maternal passive exposure to tobacco smoke. Environ Pollut, 2017, 222: 276-282.

  424. Yu Y, Guo Y, Zhang J, Xie J, Zhu Y, Yan J, Wang B*, Li Z*. A perspective of chronic low exposure of arsenic on non-working women: Risk of hypertension. Sci Total Environ, 2017, 580: 69-73.

  425. Wang B#, Yan L#, Sun Y, Yan J, Lu Q*, Zhang J*, Li Z. Alkaline-earth elements of scalp hair and presence of hypertension in housewives: A perspective of chronic effect. Chemosphere, 2017, 181: 134-141.

  426. Wang B, Huo W, Lu Q, Li Z, Liu Y, Zhao D, Li Z*. Passive smoking and influenza-like illness in housewives: A perspective of gene susceptibility. Chemosphere, 2017, 176: 67-73.

  427. Wang B#,*, Yan L#, Huo W, Lu Q, Cheng Z, Zhang J*, Li Z. Rare earth elements and hypertension risk among housewives: A pilot study in Shanxi Province, China. Environ Pollut, 2017, 220: 837-842.

  428. 陈小兰, 刘晓红, 霍文华, 刘念, 王斌*, 李智文, 任爱国. 北京地区母体血清多环芳烃水平与自发性早产发生风险的关联性. 中国生育健康杂志, 201728(1), 1-9.

    Xiaolan Chen, Xiaolong Liu, Wenhua Huo, Nian Liu, Zhiwen Li*, Bin Wang*, Aiguo Ren. Association between maternal serum polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) level and the risk of spontaneous preterm birth in Beijing, Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health, 2017, 28(1), 1-9.

  429. 刘菊芬*,李悦姗,任爱国.叶酸代谢关键酶MTHFRCOMT血浆蛋白表达与不孕症的相关性. 中国生育健康杂志, 2017,28(3):240-242,247.

    Liu Jufen*, Li Yueshan, Ren Aiguo. Correlation between Plasma Protein Expression of Key Enzymes in Folate Metabolism MTHFR and COMT and Infertility. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health, 2017, 28(3): 240-242, 247.

  430. Xue T, Zheng YX, Geng GN, Zheng B, Jiang XJ, Zhang Q, He KB. Fusing Observational, Satellite Remote Sensing and Air Quality Model Simulated Data to Estimate Spatiotemporal Variations of PM2.5 Exposure in China. Remote Sensing 2017;9(3).

  431. Wang LL, Lin S, Zhang J, Tian T, Jin L, Ren A*. Fetal DNA hypermethylation in tight junction pathway is associated with neural tube defects: A genome-wide DNA methylation analysis. Epigenetics 2017;12(2):157-65.

  432. Wang LL, Lin S, Yi D, Huang Y, Wang C, Jin L, Liu JM, Zhang Y, Ren A*. Apoptosis, Expression of PAX3 and P53, and Caspase Signal in Fetuses with Neural Tube Defects. Birth defects research 2017;109(19):1596-604.

  433. 宋军, 田甜, 杨文蕾, 吴青青, 陈洁, 万德芝, 许乐为, 姚晓群, 狄江丽, 王琳琳*. 中国6市县妇女乳腺癌防治知信行情况调查及其关系研究. 中国健康教育 2017; 33:1064-8+89.

    Song Jun, Tian Tian, Yang Wenlei, Wu Qingqing, Chen Jie, Wan Dezhi, Xu Lewei, Yao Xiaoqun, Di Jiangli, Wang Linlin*. Survey on knowledge, attitudes, and practices of breast cancer prevention and control among women in six cities and counties in China and their relationships. Chinese Journal of Health Education 2017; 33:1064-8+89.

  434. 张继, 田甜, 易德青, 王琳琳*, 任爱国. HOXA5基因转录起始点上游区域高甲基化水平与神经管缺陷的关系. 中国医学科学院学报 2017;39(6):785-91. Zhang Ji, Tian Tian, Yi Deqing, Wang Linlin*, Ren Aiguo. The relationship between high methylation levels in the upstream region of the HOXA5 gene transcription start site and neural tube defects. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences 2017;39(6):785-91.

  435. 田甜, 张继, 靳蕾, 王琳琳*, 任爱国. Scribble基因体细胞突变与神经管缺陷的关联研究. 中国生育健康杂志 2017;28(5):435-40.

    Tian Tian, Zhang Ji, Jin Lei, Wang Linlin*, Ren Aiguo. Study on the association between somatic mutations in the Scribble gene and neural tube defects. China Journal of Reproductive Health 2017;28(5):435-40.

  436. 倪文丽, 王宝俊, 田甜, 张继, 马乐, 王琳琳*, 任爱国. 精浆生物大分子氧化损伤与精液参数的相关性研究. 中国计划生育学杂志 2017;25(10):676-9. Ni Wenli, Wang Baojun, Tian Tian, Zhang Ji, Ma Le, Wang Linlin*, Ren Aiguo. Study on the correlation between oxidative damage to seminal plasma biomacromolecules and semen parameters. Chinese Journal of Family Planning 2017;25(10):676-9.

  437. 黄爱群, 田甜, 赵薇, 胡焕青, 张继, 王琳琳*. 中国六个地区孕期健康相关生活方式的现况研究. 中国生育健康杂志 2017;28(1):17-22.

    Huang Aiqun, Tian Tian, Zhao Wei, Hu Huanqing, Zhang Ji, Wang Linlin*. Study on the current status of pregnancy-related healthy lifestyles in six regions of China. China Journal of Reproductive Health 2017;28(1):17-22.

  438. 胡焕青, 张继, 赵薇, 田甜, 黄爱群*, 王琳琳*. 中国6个县/区孕妇孕期焦虑、抑郁发生状况及影响因素. 中华预防医学杂志 2017;51(1):6.

    Hu Huanqing, Zhang Ji, Zhao Wei, Tian Tian, Huang Aiqun*, Wang Linlin*. Incidence and influencing factors of anxiety and depression during pregnancy among women in six counties/districts in China. Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine 2017;51(1):6.

  439. Liu J, Li Z*, Greene NDE, Li H, Ren A. The recurrence risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) in a population with high prevalence of NTDs in northern China. Oncotarget. 2017 Aug 3;8(42):72577-72583.

  440. Li Z, Wang B*, Huo W, Liu Y, Zhu Y, Xie J, Li Z*, Ren A. Are concentrations of alkaline earth elements in maternal hair associated with risk of neural tube defects? Sci Total Environ. 2017 Dec 31;609:694-700.

  441. Li Z, Mei Z, Zhang L, Li H, Zhang Y, Li N, Ye R, Ren A, Liu JM*, Serdula MK. Effects of Prenatal Micronutrients Supplementation on Spontaneous Preterm Birth: Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial in China. Am J Epidemiol. 2017 Aug 1;186(3):318-325.

  442. Li N, Li Z*, Ye R, Liu J, Ren A. Impact of Periconceptional Folic Acid Supplementation on Low Birth Weight and Small-for-Gestational-Age Infants in China: A Large Prospective Cohort Study. J Pediatr. 2017 Aug; 187: 105-110.

  443. Huo W, Zhu Y, Li Z, Pang Y, Wang B, Li Z*. A pilot study on the association between rare earth elements in maternal hair and the risk of neural tube defects in north China. Environ Pollut. 2017 Jul; 226:89-93.

  444. Wang B, Huo W, Lu Q, Li Z, Liu Y, Zhao D, Li Z*. Passive smoking and influenza-like illness in housewives: A perspective of gene susceptibility.  Chemosphere. 2017 Jun;176:67-73.

  445. Li Z#, Li Z#, Zhang J, Huo W, Zhu Y, Xie J, Lu Q, Wang B*. Using nicotine in scalp hair to assess maternal passive exposure to tobacco smoke. Environ Pollut. Environ Pollut. 2017 Mar;222:276-282.

  446. Yan L#, Wang B#, Li Z, Liu Y, Huo W, Wang J*, Li Z*, Ren A. Association of essential trace metals in maternal hair with the risk of neural tube defects in offspring. Birth Defects Res. 2017 Feb 15;109(3):234-243.

  447. Yu Y, Guo Y, Zhang J, Xie J, Zhu Y, Yan J, Wang B*, Li Z*. A perspective of chronic low exposure of arsenic on non-working women: Risk of hypertension. Sci Total Environ. 2017 Feb 15;580:69-73.

  448. 陈小兰, 刘晓红, 霍文华, 刘念, 王斌, 李智文,任爱国. 北京地区母体血清多环芳烃水平与自发性早产发生风险的关联性. 中国生育健康杂志, 2017, 28 (1):1-5.

    Chen Xiaolan, Liu Xiaohong, Huo Wenhua, Liu Nian, Wang Bin, Li Zhiwen, Ren Aiguo. Association of maternal serum PAH levels with the risk of spontaneous preterm birth in Beijing. Chinese Journal of Maternity Health, 2017,28 (1): 1-5.

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    Zhang Li, Zhu Jianghui *, Xu Haibin, Li Zhiwen *. Survey on the current situation of raw meat processing in Chinese household kitchens in 2015. Practical Preventive Medicine, 2017,24 (3): 275-279.

  450. Zhou YB, Li HT, Ye RW, Li ZW, Zhang YL, Zhang L, Ren AG, Liu JM*. Geatational weight gain, cesarean delivery, and cesarean delivary on maternal request: a cohot analysis of Chinese nulliparous women. Ann Epidemiol. 2017; 27(2):96-102.

  451. 周玉博, 李宏田, 杨晓彦, 刘桂兰, 朱丽萍*, 刘建蒙*. 不同级别医院剖宫产术临床必要情况分析[J]. 北京大学学报(医学版), 2017, 49 (06): 1103-1106.

    Zhou YB, Li HT, Yang XY, Liu GL, Zhu LP*, Liu JM*. Analysis of clinical necessity of cesarean section in different hospitals, Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Bao, 2017, 49 (06): 1103-1106.

  452. Jin L, Jin L, Yu J, Xu Y, Liu H, Ren A*. Prevalence of Neural Tube Defects and the Impact of Prenatal Diagnosis in Three Districts of Beijing, China. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol, 2017, 31(4): 293-300. Doi: 10.1111/ppe.12354.

  453. 靳蕾, 张乐, 罗玉香, 郁静茹, 任爱国*. 2005年和2012年广西武鸣县育龄妇女血浆铅浓度研究. 环境与健康杂志, 2017, 34(2): 118-21. Doi: 10.16241/j.cnki.1001-5914.2017.02.007.

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    LI Nan, LI Zhiwen*, LI Shun, CHEN Sen, YANG Na, REN Aiguo, YE Rongwei*. Consumption of pickled vegetables and risk of hypertension in Chinese female population in parts of Shanxi Province. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2017; 28(3): 201-4.

  455. Li N, Li Z*, Ye R, Liu J, Ren A. Impact of Periconceptional Folic Acid Supplementation on Low Birth Weight and Small-for-Gestational-Age Infants in China: A Large Prospective Cohort Study [J]. The Journal of Pediatrics, 2017, 187: 105-10.

  456. Zhou YB, Li HT, Ye RW, Li ZW, Zhang YL, Zhang L, Ren AG, Liu JM*. Gestational weight gain, cesarean delivery, and cesarean delivery on maternal request: a cohort analysis of Chinese nulliparous women. Ann Epidemiol. 2017,27(2):96-102.e103.

  457. Zhou YB#, Li HT#, Trasande L, Wang LL, Zhang YL, Si KY, Bai MX, Liu JM*. A Correlation Study of DHA Intake Estimated by a FFQ and Concentrations in Plasma and Erythrocytes in Mid- and Late Pregnancy. Nutrients. 2017;9(11).

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  460. 闫会娜,王战,王佳媚,刘晓红,张乐*,.北京高知地区孕妇孕期咖啡因暴露情况[J].中国健康教育,2017,33(11):1005-1007,1015.

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    Year 2016

  461. Li Z, Huo W, Li Z*, Wang B*, Zhang J, Ren A. Association between titanium and silver concentrations in maternal hair and risk of neural tube defects in offspring: A case-control study in north China. Reprod Toxicol, 2016, 66: 115-121.

  462. Li Z, Wang B*, Ge S, Yan L, Liu Y, Li Z, Ren A. A simultaneous analysis method of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nicotine, cotinine and metals in human hair. Environ Pollut, 2016, 219: 66-71.

  463. Wang B#, Li N#,*, Deng F*, Buglak N, Park G, Su S, Ren A, Shen G, Tao S, Guo X. Human bronchial epithelial cell injuries induced by fine particulate matter from sandstorm and non-sandstorm periods: Association with particle constituents. J Environ Sci, 2016, 47: 201-210.

  464. Yan L#, Wang B#, Li Z, Liu Y, Huo W, Wang J*, Li Z, Ren A. Association of essential trace metals in maternal hair with the risk of neural tube defects in offspring. Birth Defects Res A, 2016, 109: 234-243.

  465. Wang B, Liu Y, Li Z, Li Z*. Association of indoor air pollution from coal combustion with influenza-like illness in housewives. Environ Pollut, 2016, 216: 646-652.

  466. Wang B, Li Z*, Ma Y, Qiu X, Ren A. Association of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in housewives' hair with hypertension. Chemosphere, 2016, 153: 315-321.

  467. Liu J, Zhang L, Li Z, Jin L, Zhang Y,Ye R,Liu J, Ren A. Prevalence and trend of neural tube defects in five counties in Shanxi province of Northern China, 2000 to 2014. Birth Defects Research (Part A): Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 2016 Apr;106(4):267-74. doi: 10.1002/bdra.23486. Epub 2016 Feb 16. (PMID: 26879384)

  468. 林天雨,刘菊芬*,李国星,任爱国.多环芳烃与女性不孕和不良妊娠结局研究进展. 中国生育健康杂志, 2016,27(4):111-113.

    Lin Tianyu, Liu Jufen*, Li Guoxing, Ren Aiguo. Research Progress on the Relationship between Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Female Infertility and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health, 2016, 27(4): 111-113.

  469. 林天雨,刘菊芬*.北京市部分高校女大学生月经周期与睡眠质量调查.中国生育健康杂志, 2016,27(1):33-37.

    Lin Tianyu, Liu Jufen*. Survey on Menstrual Cycle and Sleep Quality of Female University Students in Some Colleges and Universities in Beijing. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health, 2016, 27(1): 33-37.

  470. Yang N, Wang LL*, Finnell RH, Li Z, Jin L, Zhang L, Cabrera RM, Ye R*, Ren A. Levels of folate receptor autoantibodies in maternal and cord blood and risk of neural tube defects in a Chinese population. Birth defects research Part A, Clinical and molecular teratology 2016;106(8):685-95.

  471. Wang LL, Mei Z, Li H, Zhang Y, Liu JM*, Serdula MK. Modifying effects of maternal Hb concentration on infant birth weight in women receiving prenatal iron-containing supplements: a randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Nutrition 2016;115(4):644-9.

  472. Li Z, Huo W, Li Z*, Wang B*, Zhang J, Ren A. Association between Titanium and Silver Concentrations in Maternal Hair and Risk of Neural Tube Defects in Offspring: A Case-Control Study in North China. Reprod Toxicol. 2016;66: 115–121.

  473. Yu Y, Guo Y, Zhang J, Xie J, Zhu Y, Yan J, Wang B*, Li Z*. A perspective of chronic low exposure of arsenic on non-working women: Risk of hypertension. Sci Total Environ. 2016 Dec 9;580:69-73.

  474. Wang B, Liu Y, Li Z, Li Z*. Association of indoor air pollution from coal combustion with influenza-like illness in housewives. Environ Pollut. 2016 Sep;216:646-52.

  475. Liu Y, Wang B, Li Z*, Zhang L, Liu J, Ren A. Indoor air pollution and the risk of orofacial clefts in a rural population in Shanxi province, China. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol. 2016 Aug;106(8):708-15.

  476. Wang B, Li Z*, Ma Y, Qiu X, Ren A. Association of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in housewives' hair with hypertension. Chemosphere. 2016;153:315-21.

  477. Li N, Li Z*, Ye R*, Zhu Y, Li S, Yang N, Zhang L, Li H, Liu J, Ren A. Preconception blood pressure and risk of preterm birth: a large cohort study in China. J Hypertens. 2016 Nov;34(11):2243-7.

  478. Li N, Li Z*, Ye R*, Zhang L, Li H, Zhu Y, Li S, Yang N, Liu J, Ren A. Preconception Blood Pressure and Risk of Low Birth Weight and Small for Gestational Age: A Large Cohort Study in China. Hypertension. 2016 Oct;68(4):873-9.

  479. 刘念,李智文*.多环芳烃相关代谢酶基因多态性与早产易感性的研究进展.中华预防医学杂志,2016,50(5):463-467.

    Liu Nian, Li Zhiwen *. PAH gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to preterm birth. Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2016,50 (5): 463-467.

  480. 陈小兰,王斌,王佳楣,刘晓红,张运平*,李智文*.北京市城区孕妇多环芳烃暴露水平及季节变化特征.中国公共卫生,2016,32(1):113-117.

    Chen Xiaolan, Wang Bin, Wang Jiamei, Liu Xiaohong, Zhang Yunping *, Li Zhiwen *. The exposure levels and seasonal variation characteristics of PAH in pregnant women in urban areas of Beijing. Public Health in China, 2016,32 (1): 113-117.

  481. Liu MJ#, Li HT#, Yu LX, Xu GS, Ge H, Wang LL, Zhang YL, Zhou YB, Li Y, Bai MX, Liu JM*. A Correlation Study of DHA Dietary Intake and Plasma, Erythrocyte and Breast Milk DHA Concentrations in Lactating Women from Coastland, Lakeland, and Inland Areas of China. Nutrients. 2016;8(5).

  482. Jin L, Liu M, Zhang L, Li Z, Yu J, Liu J, Ye R, Chen L, Ren A*. Exposure of methyl mercury in utero and the risk of neural tube defects in a Chinese population. Reprod Toxicol, 2016, 61(131-5. Doi: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2016.03.040.

  483. 孙洪亚, 徐燕军, 郁静茹, 靳蕾*. 2006-2012年北京市顺义区神经管缺陷流行特征 . 中国儿童保健杂志, 2016, 24(2): 180-2. Doi: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2016-24-02-20.

    Sun H, Xu Y, Yu J, Jin L*. Epidemiological characteristics of neural tube defects in Shunyi district of Beijing from 2006 to 2012. Zhong Guo Er Tong Bao Jian Za Zhi, 2016, 24(2): 180-2. Doi: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2016-24-02-20.

  484. Wang B#, Jin L#, Ren A*, Yuan Y, Liu J, Li Z, Zha ng L, Yi D, Wang LL, Zhang Y, Wang X, Tao S, Finnell RH. Levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in maternal serum and risk of neural tube defects in offspring. Environ Sci Technol, 2015, 49(1): 588-96. Doi: 10.1021/es503990v.

  485. Li N, Li Z*, Ye R*, Zhang L, Li H, Zhu Y, Li S, Yang N, Liu J, Ren A. Preconception blood pressure and risk of low birth weight and small for gestational age: a large cohort study in China. Hypertension. 2016, 68(4): 873-9.

  486. Li N, Li Z*, Ye R*, Zhu Y, Li S, Yang N, Zhang L, Li H, Liu J, Ren A. Preconception blood pressure and risk of preterm birth: a large cohort study in China. Journal of Hypertension. 2016, 34(11):2243-7.

  487. Mei Z, Li H, Serdula MK, Flores-Ayala RC, Wang L, Liu JM*, Grummer-Strawn LM. C-reactive protein increases with gestational age during pregnancy among Chinese women. Am J Hum Biol. 2016,28(4):574-579.

    Year 2015

  488. Yu Y, Li Q, Wang H, Wang B*, Wang X, Ren A, Tao S. Risk of human exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: A case study in Beijing, China. Environ Pollut, 2015, 205: 70-77.

  489. Wang B#, Jin L#, Ren A*, Yuan Y, Liu J, Li Z, Zhang L, Yi D, Wang LL, Zhang Y, Wang X, Tao S, Finnell RH. Levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in maternal serum and risk of neural tube defects in offspring. Environ Sci Technol, 2015, 49: 588-596.

  490. Wu S#, Wang B#, Yang D, Wei H, Li H, Pan L, Huang J, Wang X, Qin Y, Zheng C, Shima M, Deng F*, Guo X. Ambient particulate air pollution and circulating antioxidant enzymes: A repeated-measure study in healthy adults in Beijing, China. Environ Pollut. 2015, 208:16-24.

  491. Liu J, Jin L, Zhang YL, Zhang L, Li Z,Wang L, Ye R, Ren A(*).Tea consumption by Chinese pregnant women is not associated with a reduced plasma folate concentration. Birth Defects Research (Part A): Clinical and Molecular Teratology.2015 Sep;103(9):747-53. doi: 10.1002/bdra.23398. (PMID: 26119069).

  492. Liu J, Sekine M, Tatsuse T, Fujimura Y, Hamanishi S, Lu FQ, Zheng X. Outdoor Physical Activity and Its Relation With Self-Reported Health in Japanese Children: Results From the Toyama Birth Cohort Study. Child: Care, Health & Development. 2015 Nov,41(6): 920-927. doi: 10.1111/cch.12262. (PMID: 26073535).

  493. Liu J, Sekine M, Tatsuse T, Fujimura Y, Hamanishi S, Zheng X. Association among number, order and types of siblings and adolescents' mental health at age 12. Pediatrics International. 2015 Oct, 57(5):849-55. doi: 10.1111/ped.12629.(PMID: 25808043).

  494. Liu J(#)(co-first author), Gao L(#),Zhang YL, Jin L, Li Z, Zhang L, Meng Q, Ye R, Wang L, Ren A. Plasma folate levels in early-mid pregnancy after a nation-wide folic acid supplementation program in areas with high and low prevalence of neural tube defects in China. Birth Defects Research (Part A): Clinical and Molecular Teratology.2015 Jun;103(6):501-8. doi: 10.1002/bdra.23368. (PMID: 25808729).

  495. Liu J, Jin L, Meng Q, Gao L, Zhang L, Li Z, Ren A. Changes in folic acid supplementation behavior among women of reproductive age after the implementation of a massive supplementation program. Public Health Nutrition. 2015 Mar,18(4):582-588. (PMID: 24844654).

  496. Liu J, Zhang YL, Jin L, Li G, Wang L, Bao Y, Fu Y, Li Z, Zhang L, Ye R,Ren A. Variants in maternal COMT and MTHFR genes and risk of neural tube defects in offspring. Metabolic Brain Disease. 2015 Apr,30(2):507-13. (PMID: 24990354).

  497. 刘菊芬*,任爱国.口服避孕药添加叶酸:育龄妇女增补叶酸的新途径. 中国生育健康杂志, 2015,26(2):181-183.

    Liu Jufen*, Ren Aiguo. Folic Acid Addition to Oral Contraceptives: A New Approach to Folate Supplementation for Women of Childbearing Age. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health, 2015, 26(2): 181-183.

  498. Wang LL, Li H, Zhou Y, Jin L, Liu J*. Low-dose B vitamins supplementation ameliorates cardiovascular risk: a double-blind randomized controlled trial in healthy Chinese elderly. European Journal of Nutrition 2015;54(3):455-64.

  499. Zhang L, Li HT, Wang LL*, Trachtman H, Trasande L, Wang PX, Liu JM*. Melamine Nephrotoxicity is Mediated by Hyperuricemia. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 2015;28(12):904-12.

  500. Fu Y#, Wang LL#, Yi D, Jin L, Liu JM, Zhang Y, Ren A. Association between maternal single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes regulating glucose metabolism and risk for neural tube defects in offspring. Birth defects research Part A, Clinical and molecular teratology 2015;103(6):471-8.

  501. Liu J, Gao L, Zhang Y, Jin L, Li Z, Zhang L, Meng Q, Ye R, Wang LL*, Ren A*. Plasma folate levels in early to mid pregnancy after a nation-wide folic acid supplementation program in areas with high and low prevalence of neural tube defects in China. Birth defects research Part A, Clinical and molecular teratology 2015;103(6):501-8.

  502. 袁悦;李楠;任爱国;叶荣伟;王琳琳*. 流行病学研究中相加和相乘尺度交互作用的分析. 现代预防医学 2015(06):961-5+75.

    Yuan Yue; Li Nan; Ren Aiguo; Ye Rongwei; Wang Linlin*. Analysis of additive and multiplicative scale interactions in epidemiological research. Modern Preventive Medicine 2015(06):961-5+75.

  503. Li Z, Zhang L, Jin L, Ye R, Raynes-Greenow C, Ren A*. Poor sleep during the periconceptional period increases risk for neural tube defects in offspring. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol. 2015;103(9):780-6.  

  504. Li N, Li Z*, Chen S, Yang N, Ren A, Ye R*. Effects of passive smoking on hypertension in rural Chinese nonsmoking women. J Hypertens. 2015;33(11):2210-4.

  505. Li M, Vierkötter A, Schikowski T, Hüls A, Ding A, Matsui MS, Deng B, Ma C, Ren A, Zhang J, Tan J, Yang Y, Jin L, Krutmann J*, Li Z*, Wang S*. Epidemiological evidence that indoor air pollution from cooking with solid fuels accelerates skin aging in Chinese women. J Dermatol Sci. 2015 Aug;79(2):148-54.

  506. 陈小兰,谭琴,王岚,李智文*,刘兰*.奇异果对学龄前儿童呼吸系统健康效应的相关性研究[J].营养学报,2015,37(5):500-502.

    Chen Xiaolan, Tan Qin, Wang LAN, Li Zhiwen *, Liu LAN *. Correlation study of the effect of kiwi fruit on respiratory health in preschool children [J]. Journal of Nutrition, 2015,37 (5): 500-502.

  507. 陈小兰, 李智文*. 孕期多环芳烃暴露对早产影响的研究进展. 中华预防医学2015; 49(7): 90-93.

    Chen Xiaolan, Li Zhiwen *. Progress in investigating the effects of PAH exposure during pregnancy on preterm birth. Chinese Preventive Medicine 2015; 49 (7): 90-93.

  508. 孟凡文, 张一婷, 陈俊芹, 薛霞, 韩国荣, 刘新荣, 王霞, 李智文*, 任爱国. 河北省乐亭县孕产妇早产状况分析. 中国生育健康杂志2015; 26(3): 246-247.     Meng Fanwen, Zhang Yiting, Chen Junqin, Xue Xia, Han Guorong, Liu Xinrong, Wang Xia, Li Zhiwen *, Ren Aiguo. Analysis of the premature birth status of pregnant women in Leting County, Hebei Province. Chinese Matertility Health 2015; 26 (3): 246-247.

  509. Li Y#, Li HT#, Trasande L, Ge H, Yu LX, Xu GS, Bai MX, Liu JM*. DHA in Pregnant and Lactating Women from Coastland, Lakeland, and Inland Areas of China: Results of a DHA Evaluation in Women (DEW) Study. Nutrients. 2015;7(10):8723-8732.

  510. Li HT, Trasande L, Zhu LP, Ye RW, Zhou YB, Liu JM*. Association of cesarean delivery with anemia in infants and children in 2 large longitudinal Chinese birth cohorts. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015;101(3):523-529.

  511. Liu J#, Jin L#, Meng Q, Gao L, Zhang L, Li Z, Ren A*. Changes in folic acid supplementation behavior among women of reproductive age after the implementation of a massive supplementation program in China. Public Health Nutrition, 2015, 18(4): 582-8. Doi: 10.1017/s1368980014000950.

  512. 郁静茹, 金蕾, 肖利华, 靳蕾*. 北京通州区神经管缺陷患病率及其与监测时限的关系. 北京大学学报(医学版), 2015, 47(6): 1042-5. Doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-167X.2015.06.030.

    Yu J, Jin L, Xiao L, Jin L*. Prevalence of neural tube defects and the impact of time limits in birth defects surveillance system. Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban, 2015, 47(6): 1042-5. Doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-167X.2015.06.030.

  513. 杨燕芬, 马瑞新, 刘辉, 靳蕾*. 房山区本市户籍和流动人口出生缺陷流行特征 . 中国妇幼保健, 2015, 30(31): 5437-40. Doi: 10.7620/zgfybj.j.issn.1001-4411.2015.31.51.

    Yang Y, Ma R, Liu H, Jin L*. Epidemiological characteristics of birth defects among permanent residents and floating population in Fangshan District. Zhong Guo Fu You Bao Jian, 2015, 30(31): 5437-40. Doi: 10.7620/zgfybj.j.issn.1001-4411.2015.31.51.

  514. 马瑞新, 杨燕芬, 刘辉, 靳蕾*. 2006-2012年北京市房山区神经管缺陷流行特征. 中国生育健康杂志, 2015, 26(4): 316-9,23. Doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-878X.2015.04.006.

    Ma R, Yang Y, Liu Hui, Jin L* Epidemiological characteristics of neural tube defects in Fangshan district of Beijing from 2006 to 2012. Zhong Guo Sheng Yu Jian Kang Za Zhi, 2015, 26(4): 316-9, 23. Doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-878X.2015.04.006.

  515. Li N, Li Z*, Chen S, Yang N, Ren A, Ye R*. Effects of passive smoking on hypertension in rural Chinese nonsmoking women. Journal of Hypertension. 2015, 33(11): 2210-4.

  516. Zhou Y, Blustein J, Li H, Ye R, Zhu L, Liu JM*. Maternal obesity, caesarean delivery and caesarean delivery on maternal request: a cohort analysis from China. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2015,29(3):232-240.

  517. Blustein J*, Liu JM*. Time to consider the risks of caesarean delivery for long term child health. BMJ. 2015,350:h2410.

  518. 周玉博, 罗树生, 李宏田, 高燕秋*, 刘建蒙*. 1996年至2013年中国婚前医学检查率变化情况. 北京大学学报(医学版). 2015,47(03):437-442.

    Zhou Yubo, Luo Shusheng, Li Hongtian, Gao Yanqiu*, Liu Jianmeng*. Changes in the rate of premarital medical examination in China from 1996 to 2013. Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences). 2015,47(03):437-442.

    Year 2014

  519. Wang B, Yi D, Jin L, Li Z, Liu J, Zhang Y, Qiu X, Liu W, Tao S, Ren A*. Organochlorine pesticide levels in maternal serum and risk of neural tube defects in offspring in Shanxi Province, China: A case-control study. Sci Total Environ, 2014, 490: 1037-1043.

  520. Liu J, Sekine M, Tatsuse T, Hamanishi S, Fujimura Y, Zheng X. Family history of hypertension and the risk of obesity in Japanese children: results from the Toyama Birth Cohort Study. Journal of Epidemiology. 2014;24(4):304-11. (PMID: 24857956).

  521. Liu J, Wang L, Fu Y, Li Z, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Jin L, Ye R, Ren A. Association between maternal COMT gene polymorphisms and fetal neural tube defects risk in a Chinese population. Birth Defects Research (Part A): Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 2014,100(1):22-29. (PMID: 24382678) (IF:2.661)

  522. 张泽鹏,刘菊芬*.miRNAMAPKs信号传导通路与神经管缺陷的关系研究进展.山西医科大学学报,2014,45(8):27-31.

    Zhang Zepeng, Liu Jufen*. Research Progress on the Relationship between miRNA and MAPKs Signaling Pathway and Neural Tube Defects. Journal of Shanxi Medical University, 2014, 45(8): 27-31.

  523. Wang LL, Jin L, Liu J, Zhang Y, Yuan Y, Yi D, Ren A*. Maternal genetic polymorphisms of phase II metabolic enzymes and the risk of fetal neural tube defects. Birth defects research Part A, Clinical and molecular teratology 2014;100(1):13-21.

  524. Wang LL, Li Z*, Jin L, Li K, Yuan Y, Fu Y, Zhang Y, Ye R, Ren A*. Indoor air pollution and neural tube defects: effect modification by maternal genes. Epidemiology 2014;25(5):658-65.

  525. Wang LL, Jin L, Liu J, Zhang Y, Yuan Y, Yi D, Ren A*. Maternal genetic polymorphisms of phase II metabolic enzymes and the risk of fetal neural tube defects. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2014, 100(1):13-21.

  526. 王琳琳,杨娜,袁悦,任爱国*. 人叶酸受体自身抗体IgG酶联免疫吸附试验检测方法的建立及评价. 北京大学学报(医学版) 2014;46(03):483-7. Wang Linlin; Yang Na; Yuan Yue; Ren Aiguo*. Development and evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for human folate receptor autoantibodies IgG. Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences) 2014;46(03):483-7.

  527. 王琳琳,袁悦,任爱国*. 人胎盘叶酸受体蛋白的提取、纯化及鉴定. 中国生育健康杂志 2014;25(1):97-100. Wang Linlin; Yuan Yue; Ren Aiguo*. Extraction, purification, and identification of human placental folate receptor protein. China Journal of Reproductive Health 2014;25(1):97-100.

  528. 杨娜,王琳琳*,袁悦,叶荣伟,任爱国. 酶联免疫吸附试验检测人叶酸受体抗体IgM方法的建立及评价. 中国医学科学院学报 2014;36(04):410-4. Yang Na; Wang Linlin*; Yuan Yue; Ye Rongwei; Ren Aiguo. Development and evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detecting human folate receptor antibodies IgM. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences 2014;36(04):410-4.

  529. Wang L, Li Z*, Jin L, Li K, Yuan Y, Fu Y, Zhang Y, Ye R, Ren A*. Indoor Air Pollution and Neural Tube Defects: Effect Modification by Maternal Genes. Epidemiology. 2014 Sep;25(5):658-65.

  530. Li Z, Ye R, Zhang L, Li H, Liu J, Ren A. Periconceptional folic acid supplementation and the risk of preterm births in China: a large prospective cohort study. Int J Epidemiol. 2014 Aug;43(4):1132-9.

  531. Li HT, Ye R, Pei L, Ren A, Zheng X, Liu J*. Caesarean delivery, caesarean delivery on maternal request and childhood overweight: a Chinese birth cohort study of 181380 children. Pediatr Obes. 2014;9(1):10-16.

  532. Jin L, Liu J, Ye B, Ren A*. Concentrations of selected heavy metals in maternal blood and associated factors in rural areas in Shanxi Province, China. Environ Int, 2014, 66:157-64. Doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2014.01.016.

  533. 郁静茹, 金蕾, 肖利华, 靳蕾*. 2006~2012年北京市通州区出生缺陷患病率的动态变化. 中国当代儿科杂志, 2014, 11: 1133-7. Doi: 10.7499/j.issn.1008-8830.2014.11.013.

    Yu J, Jin L, Xiao L, Jin L* Prevalence of birth defects in the Tongzhou District of Beijing between 2006 and 2012. Zhongguo Dang Dai Er Ke Za Zhi, 2014, 16(11): 1133-7. Doi: 10.7499/j.issn.1008-8830.2014.11.013.

  534. Liu J#, Jin L#, Zhang L, Li Z, Wang L, Ye R, Zhang Y, Ren A*. Placental concentrations of manganese and the risk of fetal neural tube defects. J Trace Elem Med Biol, 2013, 27(4): 322-5. Doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2013.04.001.

  535. Zhou YB, Li HT, Zhu LP, Liu JM*. Impact of cesarean section on placental transfusion and iron-related hematological indices in term neonates: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Placenta. 2014,35(1):1-8.

  536. 张乐, 孙美平, 高卫线, 洪世欣, 张亚黎*. 县、乡级超声医生开展胎儿期复杂先天性心脏病超声筛查的可行性研究[J]. 北京大学学报(医学版), 2014, 46(3): 373-378.

    ZHANG Le, SUN Mei-Ping, GAO Wei-Xian, HONG Shi-Xin, ZHANG Ya-Li*. Prenatal screening for major fetal heart defects by training sonographers in township hospitals and county health centers: a feasibility study[J]. Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences), 2014, 46(3): 373-378.

    Year 2013

  537. Liu J#,Jin L#, Zhang L, Li Z, Wang L, Ye R, Zhang Y, Ren A. Placental concentrations of manganese and the risk of fetal neural tube defects. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology.2013, 27(4),322-325. (PMID: 23664920).

  538. Liu J, Wang J, Ye R, Liu J, Zheng X, Ren A. Low third trimester hemoglobin level and the risk of post-term pregnancy. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2013,33(1):46-49. (PMID: 23259878).

  539. 刘菊芬*,任爱国.儿茶酚胺氧位甲基转移酶基因多态性与神经管畸形发生关系的研究进展.实用医学杂志,2013,29(15):2572-2574.

    Liu Jufen*, Ren Aiguo. Research Progress on the Relationship between Monoamine Oxidase Gene Polymorphisms and Neural Tube Defects. Journal of Practical Medicine, 2013, 29(15): 2572-2574.

  540. Li Z, Ye R, Zhang L, Li H, Liu J, Ren A. Folic Acid Supplementation During Early Pregnancy and the Risk of Gestational Hypertension and Preeclampsia. Hypertension. 2013;61(4):873-879.

  541. Li Z, Zhang L, Li H, Ye R, Liu J, Ren A. Maternal severe stressful life events and risk of neural tube defects among rural Chinese. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol. 2013;97(2):109-14.

  542. Li Z, Zhang L, Ye R, Liu J, Pei L, Zheng X, Ren A.Partner cigarette smoking and risk of neural tube defects among infants of non-smoking women in northern China. Tob Control. 2013;22(6):401-5.

  543. Li HT, Zhou YB, Liu JM*. The impact of cesarean section on offspring overweight and obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Obes (Lond). 2013;37(7):893-899.

  544. Li HT, Liu JM*, Blustein J. Cesarean delivery on maternal request. JAMA. 2013;310(9):977-978.

  545. Jin L, Zhang L, Li Z, Liu JM, Ye R, Ren A*. Placental concentrations of mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic and the risk of neural tube defects in a Chinese population. Reproductive Toxicology, 2013, 35(25-31. Doi: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2012.10.015.

  546. Wang PX, Li HT, Zhang L, Liu JM*. The clinical profile and prognosis of Chinese children with melamine-induced kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Biomed Res Int. 2013,2013:868202.

  547. Liu JM*, Mei Z, Ye R, Serdula MK, Ren A, Cogswell ME. Micronutrient supplementation and pregnancy outcomes: double-blind randomized controlled trial in China. JAMA Intern Med. 2013,173(4):276-282.

  548. 崔好胜, 李宏田, 朱丽萍*, 李智文, 周玉博, 刘建蒙*. 1993-2005年中国南方部分地区经产妇剖宫产和孕妇要求剖宫产率变化趋势. 北京大学学报(医学版). 2013,45(03):422-426.

    Cui Haosheng, Li Hongtian, Zhu Liping*, Li Zhiwen, Zhou Yubo, Liu Jianmeng*. Trends in cesarean section rates among multiparous women and cesarean section on maternal request in some southern regions of China from 1993 to 2005. Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences). 2013,45(03):422-426.

    Year 2012

  549. Song X#, Li N#, Liu J#, Chen G, Zhang L, Li C, Zheng X. Depression and its influencing factors among mothers of children with birth defects in China. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2012,16(1):1-6. (PMID: 21052801).

  550. Islam MM, Liu JF. Cross-cultural Marriage in Mainland China: Trends, Prospects and Challenge. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Sociologica IV.2012,1:126-138.

  551. 刘菊芬*,靳蕾,任爱国.环境锰暴露对妊娠结局及后代发育的影响. 中国生育健康杂志, 2012,23(6):475-477.

    Liu Jufen*, Ren Aiguo. Effects of Environmental Manganese Exposure on Pregnancy Outcome and Offspring Development. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health, 2012, 23(6): 475-477.

  552. Li HT, Zhou YB, Liu JM*. Cesarean section might moderately increase offspring obesity risk. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012;96(1):215-216.

  553. Li HT, Lu S, Liu JM*. Herpes zoster vaccination in people aged 50-59 years. Clin Infect Dis. 2012;54(7):929-930.

  554. 李宏田, 袁悦, 李智文, 王琳琳, 刘建蒙*. GAM识别非线性相关及其在医学统计建模中的应用. 中国卫生统计. 2012;29(06):782-785.

    Li Hong-tian, Yuan Yue, Li Zhiwen, Wang Linlin, Liu Jianmeng*. An Introduction of GAM in Identifying Non-linear Correlations and Its Application in Statistical Modeling. Chinese Journal of Health Statistics. 2012;29(06):782-785.

  555. 罗玉香, 孟琴琴, 苏常山, 韦秀金, 王薇, 靳蕾*. 20072011年武鸣县出生缺陷流行状况. 中国生育健康杂志, 2012, 23(4): 307-9. Doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-878X.2012.04.024.

    Luo Y, Meng Q, Su C, Wei X, Wang W, Jin Lei*. Prevalence of birth defects in Wuming County. Zhong Guo Sheng Yu Jian Kang Za Zhi, 2012, 23(4): 307-9. Doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-878X.2012.04.024.

  556. 靳蕾, 叶荣伟, 刘建蒙, 任爱国. 江苏、浙江两省妊娠妇女贫血患病率及相关因素分析. 卫生研究, 2012, 41(1): 65-9.

    Jin L, Ye R, Liu J, Ren A*. Prevalence of anemia in pregnant women and its related factors in Jiangsu Province and zhejiang Province in China in 2001 – 2005. Wei Sheng Yan Jiu, 2012, 41(1): 65-9.

  557. 王佩鑫, 李宏田, 刘建蒙*. 无对照二分类资料的Meta分析方法及Stata实现. 循证医学. 2012,12(01):52-55+64.

    Wang Peixin, Li Hongtian, Liu Jianmeng*. Meta-analysis methods for uncontrolled binary data and their implementation in Stata. Evidence-Based Medicine. 2012,12(01):52-55+64.

  558. 刘建蒙*, 李宏田. 剖宫产与子代健康. 北京大学学报(医学版). 2012,44(03):334-338.

    Liu Jianmeng*, Li Hongtian. Cesarean section and offspring health. Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences). 2012,44(03):334-338.

    Year 2011

  559. Wang LL, Liu YH, Meng LL, Li CG, Zhou SF*. Phenotype Prediction of Non-Synonymous Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Human ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter Genes. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2011 Feb;108(2):94-114.

  560. 王琳琳,任爱国. 叶酸受体抗体与出生缺陷.中国生育健康杂志,2011:22(1), 60-64.

    Wang Linlin, Ren Aiguo. Folate receptor antibodies and birth defects. China Journal of Reproductive Health, 2011:22(1), 60-64.

  561. Li Z, Zhang L, Ye R, Pei L, Liu J, Zheng X, Ren A.Indoor air pollution from coal combustion and the risk of neural tube defects in a rural population in shanxi province, china. Am J Epidemiol. 2011;174(4):451-8.

  562. Li, Zhiwen. Zhang, Le. Ye Rongwei. et al. Maternal periconceptional consumption of pickled vegetables and risk of neural tube defects in offspring. Chinese Medical Journal 2011;124(11) : 1629-33.

  563. 李智文,叶荣伟. 出生缺陷监测的现场实施. 国际生殖健康/计划生育杂志2011; 30(3): 208-210.

    Li Zhiwen, Ye Rongwei. Field implementation of birth defect monitoring. International Journal of Reproductive Health / Family Planning 2011; 30 (3): 208-210.

  564. 李智文,李宏田, 张乐,刘建蒙,任爱国. SPSS宏程序实现观察对象的倾向评分配比. 中国卫生统计. 2011; 28(1)89-90, 92.

    Li Zhiwen, Li Hongtian, Zhang Le, Liu Jianmeng, Ren Aiguo. The propensity score ratio of the observed objects was realized with the SPSS macro program. Chinese health statistics. 2011; 28(1):89-90,92.

  565. Li HT, Ye RW, Pei LJ, Ren AG, Zheng XY*, Liu JM*. Cesarean delivery on maternal request and childhood intelligence: a cohort study. Chin Med J (Engl). 2011;124(23):3982-3987.

  566. Li HT, Ye R, Achenbach TM, Ren A, Pei L, Zheng X*, Liu JM*. Caesarean delivery on maternal request and childhood psychopathology: a retrospective cohort study in China. BJOG. 2011;118(1):42-48.

  567. 李宏田. 多元线性回归系数的图形解析. 中国卫生统计. 2011;28(01): 91-92.

    Li Hong-tian. Graphical interpretation of multiple linear regression coefficients. Chinese Journal of Health Statistics. 2011;28(01):91-92.

  568. 徐文婕, 曲全冈, 刘建蒙*. 微生物法检测血浆叶酸实验方法评价及应用. 中国卫生检验杂志. 2011,21(07):1722-1724.

    Xu Wenjie, Qu Quangang, Liu Jianmeng*. Evaluation and application of microbial assay for plasma folate detection. Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology. 2011,21(07):1722-1724.

    Year 2010

  569. Liu J#, Chen G#, Chi I, Wu J, Pei L, Song X, Zhang L, Pang L, Han Y, Zheng X. Regional variations in and correlates of disability-free life expectancy among older adults in China. BMC Public Health. 2010,10:446. (PMID: 20670431).

  570. 刘菊芬*,任爱国.先天性巨细胞病毒感染所致出生缺陷和健康损害.中国生育健康杂志, 2010,21(3):189-193.

    Liu Jufen*, Ren Aiguo. Birth Defects and Health Damage Caused by Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health, 2010, 21(3): 189-193.

  571. Wang LL, Yang AK, He SM, Liang J, Zhou ZW, Li Y, Zhou SF. Identification of molecular targets associated with ethanol toxicity and implications in drug development. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2010;16(11): 1313-1355.

  572. Wang LL, Yang AK, Li Y, Liu JP, Zhou SF. Phenotype prediction of deleterious nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms in human alcohol metabolism- related genes: a bioinformatics study. Alcohol, 2010. 44(5): p. 425-438.

  573. Li Zhiwen. Liu, Jianmeng. Ye, Rongwei. Zhang, Le. Pei, Lijun. Zheng, Xiaoying. Ren, Aiguo.  Maternal prepregnancy body mass index and risk of neural tube defects: A population-based case-control study in Shanxi province, China. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 88(7):570-574, 2010.

  574. Li Z, Liu J, Ye R, Zhang L, Zheng X, Ren A. Maternal passive smoking and risk of cleft lip with or without cleft palate. Epidemiology.2010 Mar;21(2):240-2.

  575. 李智文,张乐,叶荣伟,刘建蒙,任爱国. 山西省4县唇腭裂环境危险因素调查. 中国生育健康杂志.2010; 21(4): 214-217.

    Li Zhiwen, Zhang Le, Ye Rongwei, Liu Jianmeng, Ren Aiguo. Investigation on environmental risk factors of cleft lip and palate in 4 counties in Shanxi Province. The Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2010; 21(4):214-217.

  576. 李智文, 任爱国. 倾向评分法中缺失数据的处理. 中国生育健康杂志.2010; 21(6): 380-382.

    Li Zhiwen, Ren Aiguo. Processing of missing data in the propensity scoring method. The Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2010; 21(6):380-382.

  577. 李智文, 任爱国. 倾向评分法在SAS软件中的实现. 中国生育健康杂志.2010; 21(5): 320-322.

    Li Zhiwen, Ren Aiguo. Implementation of the propensity scoring method in the SAS software. The Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2010; 21(5):320-322.

  578. 李智文, 任爱国. 倾向评分加权分析法. 中国生育健康杂志.2010; 21(4): 251-253.

    Li Zhiwen, Ren Aiguo. Weighted analysis of propensity score. The Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2010; 21(4):251-253.李智文, 任爱国. 倾向评分分层和回归分析. 中国生育健康杂志.2010; 21(3): 186-188.

  579. 李智文, 任爱国. 倾向评分配比法. 中国生育健康杂志.2010; 21(2): 121-123.

    Li Zhiwen, Ren Aiguo. propensity score ratio method. The Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2010; 21(2):121-123.

  580. 李智文, 任爱国. 倾向评分法概述. 中国生育健康杂志.2010; 21(1): 62-64.    Li Zhiwen, Ren Aiguo. Overview of the propensity scoring method. The Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2010; 21(1):62-64.

  581. 李智文, 张乐, 刘建蒙. 儿童维生素D缺乏——一个需要重视的公共卫生问题. 中国生育健康杂志.2010; 21(2): 124-128.

    Li Zhiwen, Zhang Le, Liu Jianmeng. Vitamin D deficiency in children —— is a serious public health issue. The Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2010; 21(2):124-128.

  582. 李智文, 刘建蒙, 任爱国. 基于个体的标准化法——倾向评分加权. 中华流行病学杂志,2010312):104-107.

    Li Zhiwen, Liu Jianmeng, Ren Aiguo. Individual-based standardized method —— propensity score weighting. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2010; 31 (2): 104-107.

  583. 李宏田, 刘建蒙*. 儿童行为问题检核表的使用现状及儿童行为问题的研究进展. 中国生育健康杂志. 2010;21(01):58-61.

    Li Hong-tian, Liu Jianmeng*. Current use of the Child Behavior Checklist and research progress on child behavior problems. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2010;21(01):58-61.

  584. 李宏田, 刘建蒙*. 直接输出科研论文统计表格的SAS. 中国卫生统计. 2010;27(06):653-655.

    Li Hong-tian, Liu Jianmeng*. SAS macro for directly exporting statistical tables in research papers. Chinese Journal of Health Statistics. 2010;27(06):653-655.

  585. Jin L, Yeung LF*, Cogswell ME, Ye R, Berry RJ, Liu J, Hu DJ, Zhu L. Prevalence of anemia among pregnant women in South-East China, 1993-2005. Public Health Nutrition, 2010, 13(10): 1511-8. Doi: 10.1017/s1368980010001552.

  586. Jin L, Ye R, Zheng J, Hong S, Ren A*. Secular trends of hypospadias prevalence and factors associated with it in southeast China during 1993-2005. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol, 2010, 88(6): 458-65. Doi: 10.1002/bdra.20673.

  587. 靳蕾, 叶荣伟, 王荣琴, 吴柱中, 陈华, 任爱国*. 妇女孕前贫血与孕期贫血间关系的研究. 中华流行病学杂志, 2010, 31(1): 114-6. Doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0254-6450.2010.01.033.

    Jin L, Ye R, Wang R, Wu Z, Chen H, Ren A*. The relationships of anemia among women between pre-pregnant and pregnant period. Zhong Hua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi, 2010, 31(1): 114-6. Doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0254-6450.2010.01.033.

  588. Ye R, Pei L, Ren A, Zhang Y, Zheng X*, Liu JM*. Birth weight, maternal body mass index, and early childhood growth: a prospective birth cohort study in China. J Epidemiol. 2010,20(6):421-428.

  589. Qu QG, Gao JJ, Liu JM*. Prevalence of hyperhomocysteinaemia in a Chinese elderly population. Public Health Nutr. 2010,13(12):1974-1981.

  590. Liu JM*, Ren A, Yang L, Gao J, Pei L, Ye R, Qu Q, Zheng X*. Urinary tract abnormalities in Chinese rural children who consumed melamine-contaminated dairy products: a population-based screening and follow-up study. CMAJ. 2010,182(5):439-443.

    Year 2009

  591. Liu J, Chen G, Song X, Chi I, Zheng X, Trends in disability-free life expectancy among Chinese older adults. Journal of Aging and Health. 2009,21(2): 266-285.  (PMID:19104033).

  592. Liu J, Chi I, Chen G, Song X, Zheng X, Prevalence and correlates of functional disability in Chinese older Adults. Geriatrics and Gerontology International. 2009, 9(3):253-261. (PMID:19702935)

  593. Liu JF, Chen G, Song XM, Chi I, Zheng XY, Spatial variations and correlates in Disability-free life expectancy among older adults in China: 1987 and 2006. Population Association of America (PAA), 2009 Annual Meeting, Detroit, Michigan, April 30-May 2, 2009. (Poster presentation)

  594. Wang LL, Li Y, Xue C CL, Zhou SF. A bioinformatics approach for the phenotype prediction of nsSNPs in human cytochrome P450s. Drug Metabolism and Disposition. 2009: 37: 977-991.

  595. Wang LL, Li Y, Zhou SF. Prediction of deleterious non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms of genes related to ethanol-induced toxicity. Toxicology letters. 2009 Jun 1; 187(2): 99-114.

  596. 王琳琳. microRNA在酒精毒性机制中作用及叶酸保护机制的研究. 中国生育健康杂志, 2009: 20(2):1401.

    Wang Linlin. The role of microRNA in the mechanism of alcohol toxicity and the protective mechanism of folate. China Journal of Reproductive Health, 2009: 20(2):1401.

  597. 李智文, 张乐, 刘建蒙, 任爱国. 倾向评分配比在流行病学设计中的应用. 中华流行病学杂志,2009305):514-517.

    Li Zhiwen, Zhang Le, Liu Jianmeng, Ren Aiguo. Application of propensity score ratio in epidemiological design. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2009; 30 (5): 514-517

  598. 李智文, 任爱国, 刘建蒙, 李竹. 室内燃煤空气污染与出生缺陷的病因假设. 中国生育健康杂志.2009; 20(1): 61-64.

    Li Zhiwen, Ren Aiguo, Liu Jianmeng, Li Zhu. Etiological hypothesis of indoor coal-burning air pollution and birth defects. The Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2009; 20(1):61-64.

  599. 李宏田, 叶荣伟, 任爱国, 高进吉, 张檀, 刘建蒙*. 中国26()46岁儿童行为问题的现况调查. 中国心理卫生杂志. 2009;23(06):415-420.

    Li Hong-tian, Ye Rongwei, Ren Aiguo, Gao Jinji, Zhang Tan, Liu Jianmeng*. Behavioral problems of Children Aged 4-6 Years in 26 Cities and Counties in China. Chinese Mental Health Journal. 2009;23(06):415-420.

  600. 靳蕾, 叶荣伟*, 陈华, 张檀, 胡秀华, 刘建蒙. 妊娠妇女贫血患病率的季节分布特征 . 生殖与避孕, 2009, 29(4): 233-9.

    Jin L, Ye R, Chen H, Zhang T, Hu X, Liu J. Seasonal Distribution of Anemia among Pregnant Women in Zhejiang Province in China. Sheng Zhi Yu Bi Yun, 2009, 29(4): 233-9.

  601. 靳蕾, 洪世欣, 郑俊池, 章斐然, 高进吉, 冯振芳, 张静波, 张伯兰, 叶荣伟*. 中国部分地区胎婴儿尿道下裂的相关因素分析. 中国生育健康杂志, 2009, 20(1): 15-9. Doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-878X.2009.01.014.

    Jin L, Hong S, Zheng J, Zhang F, Gao J, Feng Z, Zhang J, Zhang B, Ye R*.  Zhong Guo Sheng Yu Jian Kang Za Zhi, 2009, 20(1): 15-9. Doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-878X.2009.01.014.

  602. 梁瑞英, 刘建蒙*. 自然流产的流行状况. 中国生育健康杂志. 2009,20(05):319-322.

    Liang Ruiying, Liu Jianmeng*. Epidemiological status of spontaneous abortion. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2009,20(05):319-322.

    Year 2008

  603. Liu JF, Chen G, Song XM, Chi I, Zheng XY, Trends in Disability-free Life Expectancy Among Chinese Older Adults. The Gerontological Society of America(GSA), 61th Annual Scientific Meeting, National Harbor, Maryland, Nov.21-25,2008. (Poster presentation)

  604. Liu JF, Chen G, Song XM, Chi I, Zheng XY, Trends in Disability-free Life Expectancy Among Chinese Older Adults. The 9th Asian Pacific Rim Universities Doctoral Students Conference, Far Eastern National University, Vladivostok, Russia, July 14-18, 2008. (Oral presentation)

  605. Li, Zhiwen; Ren, Aiguo; Liu, Jianmeng; Zhang, Le; Ye, Rongwei; Li, Song; Li, Zhu. High Prevalence of Orofacial Clefts in Shanxi Province in Northern China, 2003–2004. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A. 2008;146A (20): 2637-43.

  606. 李智文, 刘建蒙, 任爱国, 张乐, 郭湛英, 李竹. 妇女怀孕前后被动吸烟与神经管畸形关系的病例对照研究. 中华流行病学杂志,2008295):417-420.

    Li Zhiwen, Liu Jianmeng, Ren Aiguo, Zhang Le, Guo Zhanying, Li Zhu. Case-control study of the relationship between passive smoking and neural tube malformation before and after pregnancy. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2008; 29 (5): 417-420.

  607. 徐上知, 靳蕾*, 叶荣伟, 郑俊池, 杨瑞兰, 汤建芳, 蔡丽娟, 胡秀华, 陈浩, 孙霞美, 李竹. 江苏和浙江省六个县级市1993-2003年婚前医学检查妇女贫血状况研究 . 中华流行病学杂志, 2008, 29(1): 34-7. Doi: 10.3321/j.issn:0254-6450.2008.01.009.

    Xu S, Jin L*, Ye R, Zheng J, Yang R, Tang J, Cai L, Hu X, Chen H, Sun X, Li Z. Study on anemia among premarital women in 6 counties from 1993 to 2003. Zhong Hua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi, 2008, 29(1): 34-7. Doi: 10.3321/j.issn:0254-6450.2008.01.009.

    Year 2007

  608. Li, Zhiwen; Ren, Aiguo; Zhang, Le; Liu, Jianmeng; Li, Zhu. Periconceptional use of folic acid in Shanxi Province of northern China. Public Health Nutrition. 10(5):471-6, 2007 May.

  609. Li, Zhiwen; Ren, Aiguo; Liu, Jianmeng; Pei, Lijun; Zhang, Le; Guo, Zhanying; Li, Zhu. Maternal flu or fever, medication use, and neural tube defects: A population-based case-control study in Northern China. Birth Defects Research. 2007 Apr; 79(4):295-300.

  610. 李智文, 刘建蒙, 任爱国, 叶荣伟, 张乐, 李竹.正确理解和应用出生缺陷的频率指标.中华流行病学杂志,2007284):411-412.

    Li Zhiwen, Liu Jianmeng, Ren Aiguo, Ye Rongwei, Zhang Le, Li Zhu. Correct understanding and application of the frequency indicators of birth defects. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2007; 28 (4): 411-412.

  611. 李智文, 刘建蒙, 李竹.妇女肥胖与子代出生缺陷.中国生育健康杂志.2007; 18(4): 245-249.

    Li Zhiwen, Liu Jianmeng, Li Zhu. Obesity and birth defects in offspring. The Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2007; 18(4):245-249.

  612. 李智文,任爱国,刘建蒙,等.孕早期感冒或发热与常见体表出生缺陷关系的病例对照研究.中国生育健康杂志.2007; 17(5): 279-282.

    Li Zhiwen, Ren Aiguo, Liu Jianmeng, et al. Case-control study of the relationship between cold or fever and common body surface birth defects in early pregnancy. The Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2007; 17(5):279-282.

  613. Liu JM*, Ye R, Li S, Ren A, Li Z, Liu Y, Li Z. Prevalence of overweight/obesity in Chinese children. Arch Med Res. 2007,38(8):882-886.

    Year 2006

  614. 刘菊芬*,陈功,张蕾,范向华,郑晓瑛.山西省吕梁地区出生缺陷的社会经济影响因素分析.中华流行病学杂志,2006,27(11):921-925.

    Liu Jufen*, Chen Gong, Zhang Lei, Fan Xianghua, Zheng Xiaoying. Analysis of Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Birth Defects in Lvliang Area of Shanxi Province. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2006, 27(11): 921-925.

  615. Li, Zhiwen; Ren, Aiguo; Zhang, Le; Ye, Rongwei; Li, Song; Zheng, Junchi; Hong, Shixin; Wang, Taimei; Li, Zhu. Extremely high prevalence of neural tube defects in a 4-county area in Shanxi Province, China. Birth Defects Research. 76(4):237-40, 2006 Apr.

  616. Li, Zhiwen; Ren, Aiguo; Zhang, Le; Guo, Zhanying; Li, Zhu. A population-based case-control study of risk factors for neural tube defects in four high-prevalence areas of Shanxi province, China. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. 20(1):43-53, 2006 Jan.

  617. 李智文,任爱国,张乐,郭湛英; 金永生; 李竹.母亲饮食因素与神经管畸形危险性的病例对照研究.中华流行病学杂志,20062710):831-835.

    Li Zhiwen, Ren Aiguo, Zhang Le, Guo Zhanying; Jin Yongsheng; Li Zhu. Case – control study of maternal dietary factors and the risk of neural tube malformation. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2006; 27 (10): 831-835.

  618. 李智文,任爱国,关联欣,李竹.山西省出生缺陷高发地区室内燃煤空气污染状况研究.中国公共卫生 2006226):728-729.

    Li Zhiwen, Ren Aiguo, associated with Xin, Li Zhu. Study on indoor air pollution from coal burning in areas with high incidence of birth defects in Shanxi Province. China Public Health 2006; 22 (6): 728-729

  619. 李智文,任爱国,关联欣,李竹.山西省出生缺陷高发区居民饮水中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量研究.卫生研究 2006352):217-218.

    Li Zhiwen, Ren Aiguo, associated with Xin, Li Zhu. Study on nitrate and nitrite content in drinking water of residents in areas with high incidence of birth defects in Shanxi Province. Health Research 2006; 35 (2): 217-218.

  620. 李智文,任爱国,张乐,朱江辉,张业武,岳银花,刘秀文,弓俊萍,李云,李竹.山西省四县出生缺陷监测质量的调查和评估.中华流行病学杂志  2006; 27(3): 208-211.

    Li Zhiwen, Ren Aiguo, Zhang Le, Zhu Jianghui, Zhang Yewu, Yue Yinhua, Liu Xiuwen, Gong Junping, Li Yun, Li Zhu. Investigation and evaluation of the monitoring quality of birth defects in the four counties of Shanxi Province. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 2006; 27 (3): 208-211.

  621. 李智文; 张乐; 王丽娜; 硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐及N-亚硝基化合物与人类先天畸形。环境与健康杂志 2005; 22 (6): 491-493.

    Li Zhiwen; Zhang Le; Wang Lina; nitrate, nitrite and N-nitroso compounds and human congenital malformation. Journal of Environment and Health 2005; 22 (6): 491-493.

  622. 李智文; 任爱国; 张乐; 郭湛英; 李松; 叶荣伟; 翟瑞琴; 贾霖涛; 肖燕萍; 赵买会; 李印忠; 朱新; 周敏霞; 李竹. 中国2003年出生缺陷高发区和低发区重大体表畸形患病率监测. 中华流行病学杂志 2005; 26(4): 252-257.

    Li Zhiwen; Ren Aiguo; Zhang Le; Guo Zhanying; Li Song; Ye Rongwei; Zhai Ruiqin; Jia Lintao; Xiao Yanping; Zhao Hui; Li Yinzhong; Zhu Xin; Zhou Minxia; Li Zhu. Surveillance of major body defects prevalence in high and low areas of birth defects in China in 2003. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 2005; 26 (4): 252-257.

  623. 李智文; 任爱国; 张乐; 金永生; 郑俊池; 洪世欣; 王太梅; 王丽娜; 周林籽; 刘政彪; 要翠花; 刘秀文; 李竹. 山西省出生缺陷高发区重大体表出生缺陷的流行状况研究. 2005; 13 (6): 87-89.

    Li Zhiwen; Ren Aiguo; Zhang Le; Jin Yongsheng; Zheng Junchi; Hong Shixin; Wang Taimei; Wang Lina; Zhou Linseed; Liu Zhengbiao; want Cui Hua; Liu Xiuwen; Li Zhu. Study on the prevalence of major body surface birth defects in high incidence of birth defects in Shanxi Province. Chinese Journal of Eugenics and Genetics 2005; 13 (6): 87-89.

  624. 李智文; 张晖; 王丽娜. 中国人5,10-亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶基因多态性与冠心病、神经管畸形易感性关系的Meta分析. 中国慢性病预防与控制 2004; 12(4): 163-165.

    Li Zhiwen; Zhang Hui; Wang Lina. Meta-analysis of the relationship between polymorphism of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene and susceptibility to coronary heart disease and neural tube malformation in Chinese people. Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases in China 2004; 12 (4): 163-165.

  625. 李智文; 张乐; 任爱国; 李竹. 叶酸与人类先天畸形. 中国生育健康杂志  2003; 14(6): 374-377.

    Li Zhiwen; Zhang Le; Ren Aiguo; Li Zhu. Folic acid and human congenital malformation. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health 2003; 14 (6): 374-377.

  626. 李智文, 王丽娜. 同型半胱氨酸代谢与神经管畸形. 国外医学(卫生学分册)  2002-09-25.

    Li Zhiwen, Wang Lina. Homocysteine metabolism and neural tube malformation. Foreign Medicine (Health Science Branch) 2002-09-25.

  627. 芮东升, 靳蕾*, 叶荣伟, 郑俊池, 刘建蒙, 杨瑞兰, 汤建芳, 吴立民, 胡秀华, 陈浩, 薛明君, 孙霞美, 邵佩云, 杨晓玲, 沈泉珍, 李竹. 中国南方10个县级市妇女妊娠合并贫血患病状况. 中国生育健康杂志, 2006, 17(3): 142-6.

    Doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-878X.2006.03.003.

    Rui D, Jin L*, Ye R, Zheng J, Liu J, Yang R, Tang J, Wu L, Hu X, Chen H, Xue M, Sun X, Shao P, Yang X, Shen Q, Li Z. Prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in southern China, 1993-2000. Zhong Guo Sheng Yu Jian Kang Za Zhi, 2006, 17(3): 142-6. Doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-878X.2006.03.003.

  628. 芮东升, 靳蕾*, 刘建蒙, 叶荣伟, 郑俊池, 杨瑞兰, 汤建芳, 吴立民, 胡秀华, 陈浩, 薛明君, 孙霞美, 邵佩云, 杨晓玲, 沈泉珍, 李竹. 中国南方10个县级市学龄前儿童贫血流行状况. 中国生育健康杂志, 2006, 17(2): 76-80.

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