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Provincial level

Year 2024

  1. Wang LL, The Undergraduate "Research Initiation" Program of the Beijing Natural Science Foundation. Research on the Combined Effects and Mechanisms of Sialylated Oligosaccharides and Phospholipid Groups in Breast Milk on Infant Brain Development. 2024/10-2025/09. 50,000 RMB. Supervisor

  2. Yubo Zhou, National Health Commission, Analysis and Research on Inpatient Delivery Data and Birth Population Changes, 2024/08-2025/08, Principal Investigator

  3. Zhiwen Li, Key R&D Program of Tibet Autonomous Region, XZ202401ZY0042, R&D of key technologies for early diagnosis and treatment of maternal-fetal cardiovascular disease and construction of risk prediction model in plateau area, 2024/07-2027/06,900,000 RMB, Principal Investigator.

  4. Le Zhang, Key R&D Program of Tibet Autonomous Region, XZ202401ZY0042, R&D of key technologies for early diagnosis and treatment of maternal-fetal cardiovascular disease and construction of risk prediction model in plateau area, Project 4: Construction of early risk prediction and warning models, and formulation of standardized clinical pathways and quality control standards for pregnancy complicated heart disease and fetal congenital heart disease in plateau areas, 2024/07-2027/06,90,000 RMB, Sub-project Principal Investigator

  5. Hong-tian Li, Management & Analysis of the National Maternal and Child Health Statistics of China, National Health Commission of China, 2024, 200,000 RMB, Principal Investigator

    Year 2023

  6. Le Zhang, Key R&D and Achievement Transformation Program in the Field of Social Welfare in the 14th Five-Year Plan of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, 2023YFSH0051, Development and Application of Serological and Metabolomic Markers in Early Pregnancy and Early Identification Technology of Spontaneous Preterm Birth Risk of Spontaneous Preterm Birth, project 2: Key Technology Development and Preliminary Application of Spontaneous Preterm Birth Early Warning Model, 2023/07-2026/06200,000 RMB, Sub-project Principal Investigator

  7. Le Zhang, Key R&D and Achievement Transformation Program in the Field of Social Welfare in the 14th Five-Year Plan of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, 2023YFSH0051, Prevalence of vaginal laxity in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, project 1: Prevalence of vaginal laxity in women of childbearing age in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 2023/07-2026/06100,000 RMB, Sub-project Principal Investigator

  8. Jufen Liu, Special Project of "Digital and Humanities" at Peking University in 2023: Research on the Relationship between Digital Life and Mental Health of Middle-aged and Elderly People under the Background of Digital Intelligence Transformation and Countermeasures, 2023/07-2023/12, 70,000 RMB, Project Leader

  9. Yubo Zhou, Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, Investigation and Evaluation of Female Fertility with the Three Child Policy, 2023/06-2024/12, Principal Investigator

  10. Jufen Liu, Major Project of Beijing Social Science Foundation in 2022: Research on the Construction of "Three Circles" in the Modern Capital Metropolitan Area and the Coordinated Development of Population, 2023/01-2023/12, 300,000 RMB, Core Member

  11. Li Hong-tian, National Health Commission, Research on Risk Factors and Service Capacity for Newborn Safety through Big Data Analysis, 2023/01-2023/12, 30,000 RMB, Principal Investigator

  12. Li Hong-tian, National Health Commission, Research on the Development Strategy of Maternal and Child Health Statistics and Surveys, 2023/01-2023/12, 50,000 RMB, Principal Investigator

  13. Yubo Zhou, National Health Commission, Analysis and Research on Inpatient Delivery Data and Birth Population Changes, 2023/01-2024/12, Principal Investigator

  14. Yubo Zhou, National Health Commission, Dynamic Analysis and Research on Maternal and Child Safety, 2023/01-2024/12, Principal Investigator

    Year 2022

  15. Beijing Natural Science Foundation, 7222248, Association of serum copper level in early pregnancy with lipid metabolism and risk of spontaneous preterm birth (No:). Role: Principle Investigator, 2022/01-2024/12, 200,000 RMB, Principal Investigator

  16. Li Hong-tian, Capital Health Development Research Special Project, Construction of a Risk Prediction and Evaluation System for Pregnancy Complications/Outcomes Based on the Perspective of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, 2022/01-2024/12, 50,000 RMB, Co-Principal Investigator

  17. Li Hong-tian, National Health Commission, Research on Multi-Source Data Analysis of Basic Characteristics of Pregnant Women, 2022/01-2023/06, 80,000 RMB, Principal Investigator

  18. Nan Li, Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation, 7222245, AHRR methylation mediates polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to induce hypertensive disorders of pregnancy through 8-OHdG2022/01-2024/12200,000 RMB, PI

    Year 2021

  19. Jufen Liu, Discipline Construction Project of Public Health and Preventive Medicine at Peking University: Nutrition and Epidemiology of Perinatal Period: BMU2021YJ034, BMU2020XY010, 2021-2023, 300,000 RMB, Project Leader

    Year 2020

  20. Jufen Liu, Peking University, Discipline Construction of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (Project) in 2020, 2020/06-2020/11, 80,000 RMB

  21. Li Hong-tian, National Health Commission, Dynamic Analysis and Research on the Situation of Maternal and Infant Safety in 2020, 2020/01-2020/12, 80,000 RMB, Principal Investigator

  22. Lei Jin, Health Bureau of the Joint Logistics Support Department of the Military Commission major project, No. 20JSZ14establishment of a quantitative scoring system for dangerous placenta previa in military women and construction of a specialized disease treatment center2020/07-2024/06250,000RMBKey Investigator

  23. Lei JinCapital Health Development Research Special Fundmajor projectNo. 2020-1-5112Folic acid supplementation in early pregnancy and risk for gestational diabetes mellitus. 2020/01-2023/06, 100,000Key Investigator

  24. Nan Li, Beijing outstanding talent incubation program, The association of hydroxy polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and its potential mechanisms2020/01-2021/1260,000 RMB, PI

    Year 2019

  25. Nan Li, Young Elite Scientist Sponsorship Program by CAST (YESS) 2018QNRC001The research about multiomics of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy2019/01-2021/12450,000 RMB, PI

  26. Nan Li, Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation7194285The association of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and its potential mechanisms2019/01-2020/1290,000 RMB, PI

  27. Liu Jianmeng, National Health Commission, Dynamic Analysis and Research on the Situation of Maternal and Infant Safety, 2019/01-2019/12, 70,000 yuan, Principal Investigator

  28. Liu Jianmeng, National Health Commission, Research on Annual Report Indicators for the Outline of the Development Program for Women and Children, 2019/01-2019/12, 200,000 yuan, Principal Investigator

    Year 2018

  29. Li Hong-tian, National Health Commission, Dynamic Analysis and Research on the Situation of Maternal and Infant Safety in 2018, 2018/01-2018/12, 98,000 RMB, Principal Investigator

  30. Liu Jianmeng, National Health Commission, Research on Identifying Counties and Districts for Precise Assistance in Maternal and Child Health, 2018/01-2018/12, 200,000 yuan, Principal Investigator

  31. Liu Jianmeng, National Health Commission, Research on Quality Assessment of Statistical Data for Family Planning Technical Services, 2018/01-2018/12, 99,000 yuan, Principal Investigator

    Year 2017

  32. Jufen Liu, Teaching and Research Project of School of Public Health at Peking University: 68201Y1544, 2017, 5,000 RMB, Project Leader

  33. Liu Jianmeng, National Health Commission, Research on the Association Between Adjustment of Fertility Policy and Related Conditions of Pregnant Women, 2017/01-2017/12, 95,000 yuan, Principal Investigator

  34. Liu Jianmeng, National Health Commission, Research on Assessment Indicators for Free Provision of Contraceptive Devices as Part of Basic Public Health Services, 2017/01-2017/12, 98,000 yuan, Principal Investigator

    Year 2016

  35. Linlin Wang, Beijing Natural Science Foundation General Program, 7162094, The Role and Mechanism of Homeobox Gene Abnormal Methylation in the Development of Neural Tube Defects, January 2016 - June 2018, 180,000 RMB, Principal Investigator

  36. Liu Jianmeng, National Health Commission, Research on the Impact of Fertility Policy Adjustments on the Birth Population, 2016/01-2016/12, 78,000 yuan, Principal Investigator

  37. Liu Jianmeng, National Health Commission, Quality Assessment of Monthly Hospital Delivery Data and Research on the Sex Ratio at Birth, 2016/01-2016/12, 78,000 yuan, Principal Investigator

  38. Liu Jianmeng, National Health Commission, Research on the Sex Ratio at Birth in China, 2016/01-2016/12, 99,000 yuan, Principal Investigator

    Year 2014

  39. Liu Jianmeng, National Health Commission, Feasibility Study on Individual Case Reporting of Maternal Deaths, 2014/01-2014/12, 95,000 yuan, Principal Investigator

  40. Liu Jianmeng, National Health Commission, Feasibility Study on Predicting the Number of Live Births Using the Number of Women with Early Pregnancy Records, 2014/01-2014/12, 98,000 yuan, Principal Investigator

  41. Liu Jianmeng, National Health Commission, Research on Trends in Hospital Delivery Rates in China from 1996 to 2014 and Differences in Urban-Rural and Regional Distribution, 2014/01-2014/12, 78,000 yuan, Principal Investigator

  42. Liu Jianmeng, National Health Commission, Research on Trends in Cesarean Section Rates in China from 2008 to 2014 and Differences in Urban-Rural and Regional Distribution, 2014/01-2014/12, 59,000 yuan, Principal Investigator

    Year 2011

  43. Jufen Liu, New Faculty Startup Fund of Peking University School of Medicine: BMU20100089, Case-control Study on the Association between Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection and Central Nervous System Malformations, 2011/01-2012/12, 25,000 RMB, Project Leader

    Year 2010

  44. Linlin Wang, Ministry of Education, Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education, 20100001120132, Study on the Association between Maternal and Fetal Folate Receptor Autoantibodies and Folate Levels During Pregnancy, January 2010 - December 2013, 36,000 RMB, Principal Investigator

  45. Lei JinNational Ministry of Environmental Protection, No. EH (2010) -12-05Internal Exposure Levels of Environmental Pollutants in Pregnant Women in Some Areas with High Birth Defects in Shanxi Province. 200,000RMBPrincipal Investigator

  46. Lei Jin, National Ministry of Environmental Protection, No. EH(2009)-12-06Analysis of the Impact of Environmental Pollution on Birth Defects in China and Suggestions for Countermeasures2009/01-2010/0650,000, Key Investigator