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Year 2020

(1) Li Z, Wang B, Li Z, A Simultaneous Analysis Kit for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Nicotine, Cotinine and Metals in Human Hair, Approval date: 2016.8.22, No. 201620444705.7, utility model, P. R. China

Year 2017

(2) Wang B, Li Z, Li Z, A Simultaneous Analysis Method and Kit for organic pollutants and Metals in Human Hair, Approval date: 2020.6.2, No. 201610321913.2, Patent for invention, P. R. China

Year 2016

(3) Wang B, Li Z, Zhu Y, Huo W, Li Z, Ye R. A Low-Cost Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay Kit for Measuring 8-hydrox-2-deoxyguanosine, Approval date: 2017.11.7, No.201720250817.3, utility model, P. R. China

Year 2011

(4) Wang Linlin, Duan Yanyan, Xu Xiping. A health-promoting grape beverage. China, Patent No.: ZL 2005 1 0089229.8. Date of patent grant: November 16, 2011.

Year 2009

(5) Chen Guangliang, Wang Linlin, Duan Yanyan, Li Li, Xu Xiping. Pharmaceutical compositions containing calcium channel blockers and B vitamins and their uses. Patent No.: ZL200610000693X. Date of patent grant: October 21, 2009. (This has been developed into a Class I new drug with independent intellectual property rights, "Amlodipine Folic Acid Tablets," which has been marketed.)

Year 2006

(6) Chen Guangliang, Wang Linlin, Li Li, Duan Yanyan, Xu Xiping. Pharmaceutical compositions containing angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and B vitamins. Patent No.: ZL200410071056.2. Date of patent grant: August 16, 2006. (This patent is for the product invention of the Class I new drug "Enalapril Maleate Folic Acid Tablets," which has independent intellectual property rights, has been marketed, and is included in the national list of essential medicines.)